Mark 1:1-8
Bible Text: Mark 1:1-8 | Preacher: Henry De Oliveira | Series: Mark’s Gospel | Introduction
To now beginning considering the gospel of Mark
Maybe to return to Genesis later in the year
The word of God
A remarkable thing
It should not be ignored or left on the shelf
Yet society seems to have done just that
The standing of the Bible has seriously diminished in our society
Example of St. Fagans – this was the case once
Less of a need of a physical Bible [e.g. electronic apps], but it seems to have lost it’s importance in our lives and homes
What place does the word of God have in our lives?
There is such a great need for Christians to lovingly declare the word of God today
There can be no faith without the word of God
How can society come to know Jesus Christ if they are not hearing the gospel?
With this in mind, the gospel of Mark is a great place to start
The purpose of this book is to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ
It shows us what it means to follow Jesus Christ
What is the relevance of the gospel today?
Reading Mark 1:1
Mark’s Confidence
Mark has utter confidence in what he is about to write
Thus it is the most important thing that people need to read and know about
This is a message burning within him
He has to share this message
Mark’s confidence is not unique to him – consider the other gospel writers
cf. John 20:31
cf. Rom 1:16
There confidence was such that the lived and died proclaiming it
The early Church was scattered due to persecution – but they spread the gospel – Acts 8
Mark was not ashamed about what and who he wrote about
It is necessary
Many would say these words were necessary at the time, but not for us today
The world says that religion is not needed anymore – we have science
The world says we are far more intelligent than our religious ancestors
The world says that you would be crazy to believe thee things
Consider the workplace, our neighbours, our family members
Should we still be preaching the gospel, should Christians today have the same confidence in the gospel?
If the apostles were around today – they would not stop preaching the gospel
Not a quick fix or activism – but life in Jesus Christ
The Gospel is good news
It is necessary to out inerrant position
It is not for general interest or enjoyment or through emotion
It is not temporal
It is not for material needs
It is not political
Some may say ‘it is not for me’
Nothing is as precious to humanity as the gospel
It deals with the matter of life and death
It deals with the soul
There is an urgency with the gospel
It deals with eternity – heaven and hell
How happy is the world today?
Misery and anger
This is the problem of life
This is why the gospel is so important
Jesus moved for compassion for the people as they were like sheep without a shepherd – Mark 6:34
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost
It is historical
Something that has happened
Written in history
It is not an ideology or a story
It cannot be re-written, refuted or changed
Not a way of life
It is about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
History cannot deny the man of Jesus Christ
Solely based on Jesus Christ
Not based on the disciples, apostles or Jesus’ followers
cf. 1 Cor 15:3-4
What is the point of living a good life?
Good deeds do nothing for the heart of man
Good deeds do not give life to the dead
The gospel gives life
By Jesus’ perfect life all our sin can be laid on Him
cf Mark 10:45
Isa 53:4-10a
It is wonderful news
We preach Christ who died and Christ who is risen
Jesus has the power and authority to forgive sin
We must count the cost – we will lose, but we will gain so much more
Closing Remarks