Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last week we started looking at the book of Joshua
- Not permitted to look at v7-8
- Tonight will look at v7-8 in more detail
- Three Keys to Spiritual Success
- Reading of Joshua 1:7-8
- Joshua had known many successes
- Joshua was now alone - Moses had died
- Joshua knew he had no power
- The Lord comes to Joshua
- First, the Lord comes through Moses
- The the Lord speaks directly to Joshua
God speaks to Joshua
- God speaks to Joshua
- "Do not be afraid"
- "Be strong and of good courage"
- More promises and encouragements
- The means by which these things will happen
- Certain conditions
- Success will only come in full obedience to the word of God
- Know the word of God well - meditate upon it day and night
- To know spiritual success the word of God must be central to our life
- Consider the promises made in Deuteronomy but the conditions that were attached
- We have been given even greater promises than Joshua [or the Israelites]
- "All things that pertain to life and godliness"
A Right Mindset (v6)
- "Be strong and of good courage" - for what reason?
- Joshua is on the victory side
- We are on the victory side
- When pressures come upon us - examples - Christ is our Captain and on our side
- We have the sure word of God
- The Word of God does not change
- The power of God does not change
Careful Obedience to the Word of God (v7)
- The promises given to us are never excuses for slackness or sin
- Because we are on the victory side, we must engage in the battle
1. "Observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you"
- "Observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you"
- No truce with the enemy (Deut 7:12-26)
- No taking of gold or silver
- No worshiping idols
- The Lord does not want us to compromise as Christians
- We are not to bow down to the gods of this world
- We are to fully obey Him
2. Obey The Ten Commandments
- Obey The Ten Commandments
- Deut 4:13-14
- Jesus said "Blessed are you if you do these things"
- James 1:23-25
- Example of a man who declined promotion
3. Everything was to be governed by the word of God
- Everything was to be governed by the word of God
- Remember what Jesus said to His apostles:
- Matt 28:18-20
- Teach the whole counsel of God
- Keep Gods word
- Do not add or subtract from it
- Deut 4:1-2
- Example of Spurgeon
- Faith
- Eph 2:8
- Faith is a gift from God
- Faith is a responsibility of man
- Think of Baptism, the Lord's Table, the Sabbath, Freedom from sin
- Example of Calvin
- We must not make the Bible fit our view point
- Follow the Bible as it is
Daily Meditation on the Word of God
- Psalm 1:1-3
- Here is a man meditating on the Word of God day and night
- You may think this word was given only to Joshua
- It was given to Joshua (v8)
- It is also given to all people
- Has meditation become a lost practice?
- Different from reading God's word
- Different from discussing God's word
- It is remembering God's word, thinking about it (over and over), praying about it, listening to it
- It requires time and quietness
- Very few times is there a command to read God's word
- Far more calls to meditate
- Many people cannot read
- Why should this be a link to spiritual prosperity?
- As you think your mind is transformed
- Meditating on God's word will make our way prosperous and give us good success
- As we pray and think over things God can give us insight and spiritual fruit
- The fruit of the Spirit
- The challenge is to meditate on God's word
- Joshua was obedient
- We have someone far more important than Joshua or Moses - Jesus