- Life is full of beginnings and endings
- Examples: school, death, jobs
- Such times are often key times
- The book of Joshua is in many ways a book of beginnings
- They Israelites had spent 40 years in the wilderness - due to disobedience
- A whole generation of people had died
- The call now was to cross over the Jordan river and enter into the promised land
- A time to consecrate themselves afresh
- Tonight marks:
- The end of a holiday period
- Children beginning school
- As a church On the eve of three nights of prayer
- Overview:
- Entering into a New Phase
- Entering into God's Plan
- Entering into Victory
Entering into a New Phase (v1-2)
The Death of Moses
- Joshua needed to be reminded that Moses was dead
- Now it is you Joshua
- Now is the time to move on - you cannot rely on Moses
- Joshua is reminded that the land is for the children of Israel
- The death of Moses
- The death of an individual is difficult
- The death of a revered individual is especially difficult
- Personal example
- Imagine Joshua who had known Moses
- It must have been very hard to see Moses die
- Example of Moses accomplishments and character
- Deut 34:7
- Died at 120 full of vigour
- Maybe this was a shock for Joshua
- "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints"
- Buried in the plains of Moriah
- God's people wept for 30 days
- It was the unfolding of another era
- Another people
- Changed from unbelief
- To be victorious over the enemies
- To support their leader
- Death provided a vacancy
- Joshua would be the one to lead God's people forward
- It was a new phase
Cross the Jordan
- Joshua has to lead the people of God forward
- The land belongs to the people of God
- It is the fulfillment of the Covenant
- 'Go and possess the land'
- The time to advance, to be strong and of good courage
What do we learn from this?
- Depend on God
- Moses could no longer be depended on
- Joshua and the people of God had to depend on God
- God gives the jobs
- Moses had one job - Joshua was given a different job
- We are not to be dependent on any man or woman
- God is quite able to fill spaces and vacancies
- We are to look to God to open or close doors
- We are to accept God's providence
- God's encouragements
- Joshua was one of the eldest - he must have felt very overwhelmed but God knew how to encourage him
- Deut 31:7-8
- He receives encourage from Moses himself
- He receives a promise from Moses
- It is a promise that God gave directly to Joshua (later on)
- Can we take this promise to ourselves?
- God has promised that He will never leave not forsake us
- You never face things alone - God is with you
- We are to depend upon the promises of God
- Specific encouragements:
- Joshua 1:5 - God will be with Moses
- God was with Moses at all times
- Moses and Joshua were sinful men and we are sinful people - yet God has promised to be with us
- Joshua 1:6 - Be strong and of good courage
- Joshua 1:18 - The people repeat this exhortation
- Are we not crippled by our own fears?
- Look to God
- Joshua 1:9 - God is with us wherever we go
- A wonderful promise to Andrew and Jenny
- If we enter a new phase, we are never alone - God is with us
- Hold onto the promises that God has given in your life
Entering into God's Plan
- They were entering into the fulfillment of God's plans
- 600 years previously God had spoke to Abraham
- Not quite fully fulfilled at the time of David and Solomon
- Imagine a promise made 600 years ago - God is now fulfilling His promise
- Even though there was 40 years of wandering in the wilderness
- Joshua was from a slave family
- He was a man of war
- He was a man of consecration - Ex 33:11
- He was a man of humility - Num 11:28
- He was a man of faith
- He was God's man
- God set him apart - Num 27
- The Spirit of Moses fell upon him
- He was to fulfill God's plan to enter into the land
- If we are the children of God, we are in His plan and will
- The Lord might have a person for you to speak to
- You have certain gifts that others might not have
- The Lord has service for you to do
- There are good works that He has prepared for you to walk in
- You will be part of the fulfillment of God's plan
Entering into Victory
- Some of the best scholars see lessons of salvation in the Book of Joshua
- Joshua in Greek is Jesus
- Moses changed the name of Joshua
- Joshua means the Lord is Salvation
- Joshua is a type of Christ
- Comparisons
- Read AW Pink, Spurgeon, FB Myer - they see more than just black and white [written in Joshua]
- v3 - Example
- Quotes: AW Pink, FB Myer
- You can overcome through Christ
- Our [spiritual] enemies can be defeated
- You are to know peace, joy and all the blessings God has promised to you
- God makes no provision for retreat but does provide blessings when they advance
- God wants us to know victory
- God wants us to know holiness
- We will face trials and spiritual enemies but God will be with us
- Let us depend upon the promises of God