Old Llantrisant Hill
- Does God answer prayer?
- Do you pray and seem to have no answer?
- Do you wonder how you ought to pray?
- Others might ask if there is a need to pray?
- Looking at some of Jesus' teaching on prayer
- The 1st parable - addressed to Jesus' disciples
- Don't be discouraged - continually pray
- A motivating parable to pray in difficult days
- At the Second Coming - will God's people be praying of faith
- The 2nd parable - addresses particularly the person who is not a Christian
- The one who cries out to God for mercy will go home in peace with God
- Jesus exemplified prayer in His life
- Luke speaks more about Jesus' prayer life than any other gospel writer
- Examples of His baptism, death and ascension
- Examples of significant life events couched in prayer
- Examples of events in the disciples lives, couched in prayer
- Jesus was often in prayer (Luke 5:16)
- If we have any doubts about prayer - look to the Lord Jesus
- Overview:
- The 1st parable
- The 2nd parable
The parable of the persistent widow
- We should always pray - v1
- 1 Thess 5 - We are to always pray
- We are to pray in difficult days
- The characters
- The widow - small and insignificant
- The judge - powerful and unjust
- He does not regard men or God
- He is not bothered about treating fairly
- The widow does not give up - such that the judge gives her what she wants – v6
- Will God not answer His people?
- A great example of perseverance
- Examples of those who have persevered
- Jesus is encouraging His disciples to pray
- God will bring justice - v7
- At the Second Coming
- Example of David delivered by God
- It is often the little people with odds stacked against them - that see a might victory - examples
- If you feel small and insignificant - God hears the cries of His people
- So much encouragement
The parable of the tax collector
- Very challenging - looking at the pharisees (cf Luke 17)
- Anyone who trusts in themselves, who looks down at others, who think themselves superior
- This parable is very straightforward - two men and two results
- A Pharisee:
- Stands and prays - probably at the front with others looking at him
- Prays within himself
- He compares himself better than others
- He congratulates himself for his behaviour
- A tax collector:
- Stands at the back
- He is so wracked by sin he cannot lift his eyes to heaven
- He beats his breast
- He prays a very short prayer
- The tax collector was justified (and not the pharisee)
- Whoever is lifted up will be humbled and whoever is humbled, God will lift
- Application:
- Do we expect God to accept us based on what we have done?
- Are we self-righteous (like the pharisee) or like the tax collector?
- Are we like Simon Peter?
- Do we really feel our sin?
- This parable reminds us that Jesus came into the world to save not the righteous but sinners
- Ps 85:2
- Ps 86:15
- Ps 103:8-12
- Micah 7:18-19
Closing Remarks
- Do you realise you are a sinner?
- Do you continue to trust in yourself, your good deeds or your religion of works
- Confess your sin, turn to Jesus Christ, believe in Him and be forgiven of your sin
- Pray, pray, pray