Old Llantrisant Hill
- Mary at the foot of the cross
- She is not alone - there are other ladies
- The disciple whom Jesus loved is there
- Jesus considers His mother's needs as He is on the cross
- Jesus entrusts Mary into John's care
- Example of the preacher Sinclair Ferguson
- The first painful experience - the loss of His brother and father
- The second painful experience - the loss of His mother
- Simeon had prophesied that a sword would pierce Mary's heart
- Jesus was suffering from the death penalty
- Mary cannot keep away
- She knew great pain but great privilege
- Overview:
- The Privilege of Love
- The Pain of Love
- The Power of Love
- The Person of Love
- The Provision of Love
The Privilege of Love
- An angel came and said she was "highly favoured"
- Mary brought up her child
- She noticed He was not like any of her other children
- She was often with Him when He started His ministry - at His teaching and miracles
- She did have always have access to Him
The Pain of Love
- The pain of love
- She became a refugee
- The massacre of the innocents
- The people of Nazareth reject her beloved Son
- The attempt to throw Jesus off a cliff
- That His own brothers rejected Him (John 7)
- On the cross
- Brutally treated
- The mocking, taunting and reviling
The Power of Love
- She was drawn to the Cross
- John was drawn to the Cross also
- He took a great risk
- He was the disciple whom Jesus loved
- What about you this morning?
- Nothing would be possible without the love of God
- Do you see the power of love in Jesus?
The Person of Love
- The Lord Jesus
- His first words: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"
- What an amazing prayer
- Mary hears this
- His second words: "Today, you will be with Me in paradise"
- What amazing words
- The thief responds in faith
- Trust in Jesus Christ
- Quote: "It matters more how you end your life than how you begin your life"
- This is the message of Christianity
- Jesus was praying for sinners and enemies
- Jesus has offered His life for us
- Jesus the sinless one became the sinful one (2 Cor 5:21)
The Provision of Love
- Jesus is keeping the fifth commandment: honour your father and mother
- Jesus does not call Mary 'mother' - this is for various reasons:
- Not to exalt Mary
- It is not the blood relation that matters but the spiritual relation
- Mary called Him Saviour
- Do you see the love for Mary?
- Jesus wanted her to be spiritually strengthened
- Mary meekly received the word of Jesus
- This is the mark of a true disciple
- John receives the word of Christ
- This is a challenge to us
- Do we honour our mothers and fathers?
- It seems as this stage that Joseph is dead
- John honours the commandment
- In the midst of bearing the world's sin, Jesus is concerned with His mother
- God is concerned with our physical needs