Jesus Meets a Needy Crowd
- Personal example of UFM Sponsorship
- Numbers are given in this passage:
- 5000 men
- 5 barley loaves and 2 fish
- Why the details given?
- Can 5 loaves and 2 fish provide for about 10'000 people?
- Recorded in all 4 gospels - this is a significant and important miracle
- Repeated miracles: He fed the 4000 on the plain
- E.g. The catch of fish
- They are precious lessons for our life
- Repeated teachings:
- The sermon on the mount
- The sermon on the plain
- Hard teachings and teachings of great comfort
- Last week's message
- Series: "People Jesus Met"
- Could have gone on to the woman caught in adultery
- Jesus meeting a needy crowd
- Overview:
- His Pity
- His Provision
- His Power
His Pity
- Luke 9:10
- The disciples needed some private time but the crowds followed them
- Jesus had compassion and pity for these crowds
- Jesus saw them as sheep without a Shepherd
- John 6:2
- Some only came because of the miracles He performed
- He healed them all (Luke)
- He taught them many things (Mark)
- Example of DL Moody
- We need to be a minute man
- We are called to take up our cross and follow Jesus
- This is a wonderful example of Jesus serving others
- We are called to a life of service
- May it be that we become like the Lord Jesus
- Concerned for the multitudes around who are going to hell without Christ
- May it be that we are moved to help those around us
- We will never love the masses and pray for them unless we come to Christ
- Have we yielded our life to Christ?
His Provision
- Linked to Jesus' Pity
- God cares for all people
- We see Jesus provision for all those who didn't say thank you or maybe didn't like Him
- v5-6 - Jesus is testing Philip
- 'Philip - do you believe that I am a God who can provide?'
- Philip had been one of the disciples sent out two-by-two and known God's provision
- 'Philip - You trusted me in the little things, will you trust me in the bigger things?'
- v7 - Philip's response
- Is there cynicism or transparency in his voice?
- He is not believing
- What is our response?
- Do we question God's provision?
- Do we say that God cannot because we are sinners?
- Example of Hudson Taylor
- Do we believe that God uses you and me?
- Example of George Muller
- We look up to these people but do we trust God in love and faith?
- We have seen funds provided for the refurbishment
- God tests us - do we look to God as the great provider?
His Power
- He blesses the bread and fish and they begin to multiply
- Ordered dissemination of the food to groups of 50-100 (compare other gospel accounts)
- Mark 6:41 - He gives thanks once but keeps on giving
- A miracle out of nothing
- You either believe this or you don't
- Do you pick and choose what you will believe?
- Example of Billy Graham
- God is able to do unusual and wonderful things
- We need to look to Him
- We need to seek first the Kingdom of God
- God has promised He will meet the needs of His people
- Rom 8:32
Closing Remarks