Jesus, Jacob, Judah
Looking at Genesis 49:8-12
All about predictions
An old man who is about to die
He predicts many things that will happen in the future
Given by God
Could you predict the future? (we can’t)
Where Jesus would be born?
How He would be born?
The things that would happen at His birth?
Example – fleeing to Egypt and the slaughter of Herod
The manner in which they would die?
The significance of their life and death?
The probability of all these things happening – would be mind boggling
8 predictions in a person’s life1 in 10 to the power of 17
48 predictions – 1 in 10 to the power of 157
456 prophecies about Jesus Christ (in the Old Testament)
Micah 5:2
Isaiah 7, 9:6, 53:12
Zechariah 9:9
Looking at v8-12
Predictions about the tribe of Judah – the pre-eminent tribe
This was fulfilled
How Judah is a type of Christ – the words speak about Jesus Christ
A surprising prophecy
An accurate prophecy
A prophecy that demands a response
A surprising prophecy
In the previous passage, Jacob had made predictions about his son Joseph
Gen 48:15-16 – Blessings upon Joseph
You may assume the greatest predictions are for Joseph and not Judah
Made for Reuben (v3-4)
Then Simeon and Levi (v5-7)
Judah must be trembling about what predictions would be made of him
He did sell his brother into slavery (though he let him live)
He committed sexual sin
However, the blessings are of triumphant, blessing and grace
Judah is a changed man – God has worked in him
He speaks up for and protects Benjamin
Though there has been much sin in his life – God’s grace has worked in his life
The birthright blessing goes to Judah (the double blessing goes to Joseph)
There are those of great sin in the lineage of Jesus
God is a God of all grace
God transforms sinners – examples
God has purposes for sinners
Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners – not the righteous
Jesus came to give them the gift of everlasting life
Remember that God chose Judah
God shows His glory and grace
An accurate prophecy
The tribe of Judah – what it would become
About Jesus
The prophecy
v8 – not the other tribes bowing down to Joseph – Judah would take the pre-eminence
v9 – became a fearless tribe, victorious in battle
v10 – it was a royal tribe where kings reigned
v11 – much propsperity
Accurately fulfilled in Judah:
It became a leading tribe
It multiplied after coming out of Egypt – Numbers 1
It gained ascendancy in the time of the Judges
Kings came from Judah – David (Ps 18:40), Solomon
It became as strong as a lion
It became prosperous
In the time of Solomon – consider the report from the Queen of Sheba
Did the sceptre depart from Judah? (no)
Consider Daniel and those of Judah put in power by pagan kings
Accurately fulfilled in Jesus:
Judah means praise – Jesus is the one who all the nations praise
He triumphed over sin, satan and death – this shall be seen by all at His second coming
The "Lion of the tribe of Judah" Rev 5:5
He had great power
He was the great "I am"
He took up the sceptre – Shiloh
One day all will bow to Jesus
Prosperity, peace, joy and all blessings – are all found in Jesus
A celestial city
Going to the cross
The beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ
Accurate prophecies
640 years before the reign of King David and Solomon
2000 years before Christ came
A prophecy that demands a response
They demand a response:
Do you take the Bible seriously?
Do you see it as the word of God?
Do you see the other prophecies?
Do you listen to God’s word?
Do you believe the word of God?
Do you obey the word of God?
Have you accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour?
Have you submitted your life to Him?
He knows the future – have you put your future in His hands?
What is your response to the message?