Jacob is growing & God is blessing
Rachel said to her son Jacob "flee for just a few days" … but Jacob was 20 years in Laban’s house
A lot can change in 20 years
Have you changed?
Has the word of God changed you over the years?
What has changed in your life – examples
The greatest change needs to occur in our hearts
We need to be born again
We need the forgiveness of sins
We need to say the "Lord is my Shepherd"
Are you growing as a Christian?
Gen 28 –
Jacob meets God at Bethel (Gen 31:13)
Jacob is Growing
Gen 28 onwards
Jacob meets God at Bethel (Gen 31:13)
We saw God’s providence towards Jacob – both blessing and discipline
God was working in him
He was a hard working man
God has blessed Laban because God’s hand was upon Jacob
Laban recognises this (Gen 30:27)
He was growing in integrity
This did not look spectacular – but Jacob was faithful
Jacob testifies of what God is doing in his life (Gen 31:5-7)
God is with him
God did not allow Laban to hurt him
He is growing in his love for God
Not Jacob first – but God first
God is blessing Jacob and he is growing
We must ask for God’s blessing in our lives
Growing in Humility (Gen 30:25-30)
Jacob is home sick but also knows that God has promised him land
He requests his wives and children for his service
He is humble and shows respect to his uncle
Laban wants him to stay
He asks him to name his wages
Jacob is humble and recognises he has been blessed because the Lord is with him
Jacob wants to provide for his own family
He has worked for 14 years with nothing to show for it
Yet there is no word of complaint
This is quite a change from his previous character
Psalm 15:1-2a,4b
We grow nearer to God the humbler we are
The Christian with the greatest fruit will be the most humble servant
Laban asks Jacob to request his wages
Do you see kindness or meanness in this?
Should it not be a gift?
Consider levitical law – to be released after 6 years
Growing in Wisdom (Gen 30:31-34)
Jacob needs to be wise in his approach to Laban
He asks for the undesirable of the flock
A modest request
There can be no dispute over which sheep are his
Christians can be unwise
We ought to fear God
Growing in love for God (Gen 31)
Jacob wants to return home
God comes (for only the second time) and speaks powerfully to him
He ignores laban’s voice and obeys the voice of God
Whose voice are we listening to?
The voice of God?
The voice of a loved one or friend?
Whose voice are we obeying?
We grow as Christians as we obey God
God has blessed him – v5, 7, 9
God has met with him – v11-13
He is speaking about God
Do you speak about God to those around?
Do you testify and witness?
The Christian as they grow speaks more and more about Jesus
Are we listening as God’s speaks to us?
Are we growing in Christ ?
2 Peter 3:8 ???
2 Peter 1:5-6
God is Blessing
Despite unfavourable circumstances
Jacob worked 14 years (for his wives)
Despite a cruel & crafty employer
Jacob had a cruel and crafty employer
Laban agreed to Jacob’s request … but gives the agreed sheep to his own sons
Laban changed his wages 10 times over
He kept changing the goalposts
It is difficult to understand the practice with the poplars? (Gen 30:37-43)
Was it superstition?
Was it a breeding practice?
Despite Jacob’s trickery
Yet God prospered Jacob despite this
Even despite Jacob’s own trickery
God blesses those whom He chooses
Gen 30:43
Jacob became exceedingly prosperous
God’s promise was that Abraham’s seed would be blessed
Those who blessed the seed would be blessed
Those who cursed the seed would be cursed
We are on our way to the promised land and God is with us
Closing Remarks
Are you growing?
Quote from Richard Baxter
This life is preparation for heaven
We are not perfect – but we need to grow in God