Heaven or Hell
Nadia Hussain from The Great British Bake Off – cannot help but think about death
Jesus Christ often spoke of heaven
Jesus spoke about it as He wanted people to be ready when they die
Luke 16 – the most explicit teaching of Jesus about death
If you spend time thinking about it – a cloud comes upon your soul
Jesus was burdened for the religious people who thought they were going to heaven but were going to hell
The Bible teaches about heaven and hell – more in the New Testament than the Old Testament
The Bible speaks about two groups of people
Example from Psalm 1 – the righteous and the wicked
Psalm 145:20
Daniel 12:2-3
Psalm 73 – Sometimes people are troubled that the wicked seem to prosper, but there is an end for them
Some explicit teaching about heaven and hell
Not about the way of getting to heaven
Not literal
Jesus teaching weighty truth
What takes you to hell?
What is hell?
What takes you to heaven?
What takes you to hell?
The names of the rich are known on earth but the name of Lazarus is known in heaven
Was put at the rich man’s gate
Was covered in sores
Was a beggar
Had no funeral
The rich man
Had more than enough
Had the best of food
Had the best of company
Had purple and fine linen
Living in luxury and opulence
Lazarus went to heaven but the rich man went to hell
Jesus spoke a lot about the danger of riches, pleasure, wealth and material things
Jesus warned if a person only lived for the things of the world
Paul warns timothy that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
The rich man – has no love
Had no heart for the beggar Lazarus – no food or even crumbs
The love of God was not in him – Matt 25:25-46
It is not about doing good since the Bible teaches that all have sinned and all need forgiveness
If this has happened – your heart will be changed
Quote from CS Lewis
To carry on your path
Not repenting or turning to God
Not a sin of ‘commission’ but of ‘omission’
He did not truly love
We must be careful not to drift along to hell
The rich man – a failure to believe and repent (v27-30)
He is still trying to command Lazarus
He has not repented (v30)
He has not believed – the people did not believe also saw miracles or people raised from the dead (v31)
They are not listening to God’s word
There is unbelief
What is hell?
Gehenna/Sheol/Hades – the abode of the dead
In the New Testament – refers to a place before the final state
It is a temporary place
When Jesus comes in the final judgment – people will be raised to everlasting destruction
Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire
God’s judgment, anger and just punishment is in hell
Different New Testament pictures – outer darkness, weeping & gnashing of teeth, torment
Why would a loving God allow this?
Perhaps we have not understood the magnitude of sin
Luke 6:24
Rev 21:8 – the unbelieving
There is no second chance – as in Catholic teaching
Jesus gave such stark teaching because He loved us dearly
What takes you to heaven?
The tables are turned – Lazarus in heaven
Lazarus was full of pain – the rich man had everything
Lazarus was thrown outside the city – the rich man was buried
Lazarus was taken to heaven by angels into Abraham’s presence – a place of safety and security
Rev 21 – explanation
Not because he was poor
But by repentance and faith
Not what we have done, but what Christ has done for us
Your past is wiped out and your future is secure
You may not have had many friends on earth but you will have the best company in heaven
Luke 13:24-30
You must enter in through the narrow gate
It is not of works
The direction of your life must be changed
Do not be thrust out
The gospel has gone across the globe and many will be in heaven
Jesus if the friend of sinners – but you must come to Him
Come to Jesus today
Have everlasting life