Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at one verse tonight - Rom 5:5
- Could have looked at 1 Cor 2:2
- Rom 5:1-5 shared by Adrian Carey-Jones at the Missionary Meeting
- Trials bring out character
- Trials, perseverance, character, hope
- That faith is in God
- Trials are not pleasant but they bring us to the point of hope
- The Holy Spirit is poured into our heart
- God's love is shed abroad in us
- The love of God can saturate our being
- The work of the Holy Spirit in our heart
- Example of the love of God in Adrian Carey-Jones
- What is the secret of loving God?
- We are called to keep in step with the Holy Spirit
- We must be in regular prayer
- The Thessalonians loved God will a joy inexpressible and full of glory
- We must not harbour sin
- The verses that follow v5 - speak of the cross
- Christ died for us in our most lowly/wretched state - v8
- The guarantee of our salvation - v10
- Reflecting on the cross
- We need to spend time meditating on the cross
- God's love is known at the cross
- God's love is known in the fellowship of the saints
- A cheery word often lifts your soul
- The Holy Spirit pours out God's love in our hearts
- He instructs in the word
- He gives us deep assurance
- By Him we cry 'Abba, Father'
- God speaks to His people by His word
- Example of Sarah Edwards
- Rom 8:31 - objective truth
- God is for us - who can be against?
- Rom 8:35, 38-39
- We must hold onto these truths
- Quote/Song from Charles Wesley
- Quote/Song from Augustus Toplady