Old Llantrisant Hill
- Re-reading v1-4
- These are extremely comforting words for the believer
- "You are mine"
- We know the Lord is ours
- We are precious in His sight
- Context:
- We must not take the passage out of context
- We must also consider the wider context of the whole of the Bible
- The link between the Old Testament and the New Testament
- The Doctrine of Redemption
- The Doctrine of Adoption
- The Doctrine of Providence
- Overview:
- Grace Speaking (v1-7)
- A Sad Response (v22-24)
- Grace Speaks Again (v25)
Grace Speaking (v1-7)
A Contrast
- A Contrast
- Notice v1 starts "but now"
- 42:24 - Israel was not living according to God's law
- 42:25 - God's anger was to fall upon them
- Such sweet words from God
- This contrast appears in later chapters in Isaiah
- There are many contrasts in the Bible
- Romans 1
- God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all wickedness
- God gives people up the life they want to lead - to their lusts
- God warns the religious hypocrites
- "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of the Lord"
- Romans 3:21
- "But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed"
- Jesus the sinless one will take our sin and provide a righteousness from God
- Have you put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ?
The Doctrine of New Birth
- v1 - A chosen nation: not speaking about physical creation -
- From Abraham, taken out of Egypt and established in the Promised Land
- v7 - The people are made for Himself and for His glory
- He chose them
- What about the Jews now?
- Jesus taught people that His Kingdom was coming now
- God's nation and Kingdom is made up of all people all over the world
- God's Kingdom is made of those who are born again, regardless of where they are or live or worship
- God has redeemed us
- We need not fear
- We are God's holy nation, a priesthood
The Doctrine of Redemption
- God redeemed Israel with an outstretched hand
- Judgment grieves God's heart
- The Passover and the angel of death
- The Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Sin shall no longer have dominion over us
- We are under grace
- We need not be fearful
The Doctrine of Adoption
- I have called you by my name and you are mine
- He adopts us and makes us His very children
- None of God's children are natural children, they are all adopted
- Adoption is a wonderful thing
- God adopts us
The Doctrine of His Providential Care
- v2 - Example of the Israelites escaping Egypt and going through the Red Sea
- Example of Daniel and his 3 friends delivered from the fiery furnace
- v5-7
- There is nothing to fear in God
- Do you know a God as gracious as this?
- There is nothing special in us
- God loves us with an unconditional love
- Our responsibility to live in the light of this grace
- Eph 5:1-8
- The grace of God must not be abused but is a wonderful gift for living
A Sad Response (v22-24)
- Israel had stopped speaking to God
- God had called Israel by name but they had stopped speaking to God, praying to Him and calling on His name
- Has this happened to us?
- Do we call upon Him?
- Do we live in our own strength?
- What is our attitude when we come to church?
- Are we being blessed by the word?
- Israel had not brought the required sacrifices
- They could not do the basic things?
- Has this happened to us?
- Israel were burdening God with their sins
- What a terrible thing for the believer?
- Are we glorifying God or sinning against our bodies?
- Are we living sinful lives before God?
- A terrible response from Israel towards God's grace
Grace Speaks Again (v25)
- God blots our out transgressions and will not remember our sins
- There is always hope in God