Gospel to the Gentiles
Bible Text: Acts 10:1-23,34-48 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction
Considering the salvation of a centurion and his family
In the bible are often blessed people
This is new ground for the gospel
Going into new territory
To the Gentiles
A watershed mark in the history of the church
Acts 1:8
The gospel was spread abroad
Consider Philip in Samaria
Peter starting to move out of Jerusalem [last week’s sermon]
Peter now moving into gentile territory
Two visions
Cornelius and Peter
The Holy Spirit also spoke directly to Peter
Peter would not have gone without this vision, without God showing him
He had heard such teaching from Jesus but it hadn’t yet dawned upon him
The three sons of Noah
The Ethiopian – Son of Shem
Saul – Son of Ham
Cornelius – Son of Japheth
Overview – The work of the Holy Spirit in
Lived in a largely Gentile town
He had adopted Jewish religion
Devout, who feared God, had a good reputation among the Jews
Not yet converted
Generous and prayed often
Not yet converted – only faith alone in Jesus Christ saves
He was seeking God and God was drawing him to Himself
Quote from Scripture
God speaks
God is using means to draw Cornelius to himself
First a synagogue
Now a vision
Preparatory work to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
Grace and favour has been shown to him
He will not be saved by a vision
God will send a preacher to him – this is often the pattern
A God fearer but not Christians
In the same category of Nicodemus, Ethiopian
Explanation of Nicodemus
Explanation of Ethiopian
How many people sit in church, fear God, even pray – but have not committed their life to Jesus Christ, have not believed in Jesus Christ?
Today in the day of Salvation
Whoever believes in Him will be saved – v43
Example of John Wesley
‘If you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him’
God had to prepare Peter to go
‘It was not possible to be with a Gentile’
Peter held onto the Jewish food laws
Peter was prejudiced towards the Gentiles
Peter was in prayer
God spoke to him in the place of prayer
God will often speak to us in prayer
9am in the morning – falls into a trance and sees a vision
No understanding that the ceremonial law had been done away with at the cross
God was saying that the gentile people are no longer unclean
Three times – God was witnessing that this was His word
Peter was puzzled – v17
God was gracious and the Holy Spirit spoke to him
Just go with the people
Preparing us for mission
We must not be prejudiced
Peter had a number of prejudices to overcome
Cornelius has invited his whole household, relatives and close friends
Peter preaches
God is Lord of all
Preaches Jesus’ life
The Divinity of Christ
The Jews killed Him but God raised Him up
There were witnesses to the resurrection
As he preached the Holy Spirit worked
When we preach we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to apply it to people’s hearts
We need to see real conversions
We need to see a genuine work of God
The Holy Spirit came down
Not just on one – on the hole family and household
They spoke in tongues – v45
Clear and genuine conversions
All were baptised
They wanted more – they asked him to stay
Does it concern you that we do not see the Holy Spirit coming in power and conviction?
It seems to be a barren time
We need to be on our knees [in prayer]
We need guidance on who to witness to
We need to pray for the religious
Example of Martin Lloyd-Jones