Old Llantrisant Hill
- It is good to be alone sometimes
- It is essential for us to live in community
- There is a danger to being alone too much
- Prov 18:1
- Examples
- The danger of introspection and morbidity
- Can think wrongly
- Can become proud
- Looking at communion and unity in love
- Heb 10:25
- The Bible encourages fellowship
- 1 Cor 12 - we are a body
- Some Christians can isolate themselves
- God values fellowship and so should we
- Parable of the Sower
- Didn't look at 8:1-3
- Verses about fellowship and women loved by Christ
- 8:19-21 speaks about fellowship
- Those who love Jesus are His 'relatives'
- Those who love Jesus obey Him
- Fellowship is about knowing Christ and doing His word
- Overview:
- Made for Fellowship
- Meaning of Fellowship
- Motivators for Fellowship
Made for Fellowship
- Christ's incarnation - essentially a solitary figure
- Explanation ... but,
- He was a man of community
- He was often about people
- He chose to be with the 12 apostles
- v1 - Christ was preaching the Kingdom of God
- The apostles were with Him
- The Creation Narrative
- Book - When God is not enough
- Adam had everything including God - but it was not good that he was alone
- Before the fall - the centrality of communion, fellowship and unity
- God saw that man needed one like him to care of and be cared for
- The Trinity
- Three distinct parts of the Godhead
- Perfect community, fellowship, love and unity
- We are made in God's image
- We are made to be in community
- Isolation is selfish (though times of space is okay)
- The fall:
- Relationships were disturbed
- Christ came into the world to restore our relationship with God
- Then our relationships with one another can be restored
- Fellowship
- Paul - 2 Tim 4:6-13
- v17-18
- Paul knew what it was like to be abandoned, but the Lord always stuck with him
- v21
- How much do we value fellowship?
- Do we see the need for fellowship?
- First with God
- Second with each other
Meaning of Fellowship (v19-21)
- These verses initially look the opposite of fellowship
- John 7:5 - His brothers did not believe
- Mark 3:21 - His own people rejected Him
- Jesus would not be controlled by His brothers or mother
- His family had to be obedient to His agenda
- Not a matter of Jesus not showing love to His family
- Jesus was preaching to the people
- Jesus' true family are those who hear the gospel message, who repent of their sins, who cast themselves on Jesus and obey His word
- Heart worship of Christ
- Love for Him and His word
- Fellowship with Christ leads to fellowship with one another
- John 14:15
- Explanation of true fellowship
- The proof of fellowship is that you obey Jesus
- v21,23
- A Christian is someone who has been adopted into God's family
- A child of God
- Luke 11:27-28
- Such true fellowship with Joel - despite only spending a small amount of time with him
- Unity - because Christ had entered their hearts
- People ought to see God's love in us
- The Church is made up of individuals in fellowship
- Family
- Why do we come to Church?
- Fellowship is those who love God's word
- Ecc 4:9-10 - Reading and Explanation
- Example of house group
- Costly
- v2 - It was no small thing that the women did
- Example of Dr Charles Woodrow
- We can give a cup of cold water in Christ's name
Motivators for Fellowship
- The blessings of fellowship - to experience:
- The power and presence of Christ
- His sufferings
- A deeper love for Christ and others
- The favour and approval of Christ
- v2-3 The women's names are remembered
- We don't do things for a name or for people to remember us
- Honour to Jesus Christ
- Warnings to those who fail to love and care
- Those who do not forgive and hate others - cannot know the love of God
- A great proof of a Christian is that they love God's people
- Tangible love
- Do we love being in Church?