Gospel Feast
- Billy Graham
- Explanation for 5m
- Looking at a Gospel text – 25:6
- The Gospel in terms of a feast
- It speaks of a great feast in heaven
- It speaks of Salvation now
- Jesus uses food/feasts in relation to the Gospel
- Overview:
- Do you feel your need?
- The gospel as a feast
- A foretaste of heaven
Do you feel your need?
- What are you needs?
- Examples
- Do you feel a need for God?
- Are these other things more important to you?
- Do you know that:
- God has made you
- God knows you
- God knows your sin
- The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful
- Only God can deal with your sin and forgive you
- Unless you feel your need for God, you will never come to Him
- Are you really satisfied with yourself and your life?
- What does it profit you to gain the world but lose your soul?
- If whoever loses their life for Jesus' sake will gain it
The gospel as a feast
- God is a good God
- He is Holy but He loves sinners
- A choice feast
- A metaphor for total satisfaction in God
- 55:1-2
- We must delight ourselves in abundance (but we first repent of our sin)
- Jesus is our food
- He is the living bread
- Feed me, till I want no more
- His body and blood, broken on the cross, is for our eternal blessing and good
- He is the Passover Lamb
- Jesus Christ provides:
- Complete justification
- We are robed in His righteousness
- Perfect peace
- No-one can bring a charge
- Deep love
- Adopted into His family (forever)
- Inscribed on the palm of His hands
- All things are given to us in Christ
A foretaste of heaven
- Not only a picture of present salvation but of future salvation
- Zion will one day be exalted
- We will sit down with the 12 tribes
- The wedding banquet of the Lamb
- v8-9
- Are you looking forward to this day?
- Example of Billy Graham
Closing Remarks
- Do you believe the Gospel message?
- Will you come to Jesus Christ?
- Have you repented?