God’s purpose for Israel and the world
- Looking at a long portion of Scripture
- We must interpret Scripture in the light of other Scripture
- 2 Tim 3 and other examples of Scripture
- The Kingdom of God is increasing despite the changing times
- Quotes from Spurgeon
- The Roman Christians that Paul was writing to did not have the right perspective
- They though that judgment had come upon the Jews to the uttermost
- Although Israel may have rejected God, He still has purposes for His people
- 11:1
- Paul develops his argument and says that God has purposes in everything
- The Jewish people were cast off so that the Gentiles may be brought in
- Consider the example of the olive tree
- We are to fear that if we also come to unbelief, we also will be cut off
- My ministry to the Gentiles is partly that I will provoke the Jews to jealousy, that they also might be saved
- There will come a time where there is the fullness of the Gentiles and then the Jewish people will be saved on mass
- When will this be?
- The end days will be like Noah
- Millennial rule vs pre-millennialism vs amillennialism
- Jonathan Edwards
- Overview:
- Hope for the Gentiles
- Hope for the Jews
- Implications for us
Hope for the Gentiles
- In Old Testament days some people were saved but not many
- Rahab, Ruth, Naaman, the City of Nineveh
- Jesus came to His own, but they rejected Him
- Jesus sent the 12 into "all the world"
- The Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost
- The Gospel has gone so far, to so many countries
- The fall of the Jews is "riches for the world" (v11-12)
- We are to sow the hope of God to all people
- We are never to look down on anybody (especially the Jews)
- v16
- Israel is holy
- The root is Abraham
- We are the children of Abraham (because we live by faith)
- Isa 51
- v17
- The Jews were broken off
- We have been grafted in
- v18-21
- We must be careful of not being cut off
- What does this say to different groups - examples
- God will complete any good work He has started in us
- A lot of hope for Gentiles, but also some warning
- v12 & 15
- What is it going to be when the Jews are restored?
- It will be wonderful for the world
Hope for the Jews
- 2 Cor 3:15
- A veil lies on the hearts of the Jews
- God will restore His ancient people
- v13-14
- Paul is hoping to provoke some of the Jew to salvation
- Example of witness to the Jews in Aberystwyth
- v15
- There is coming a time when the natural branches will be grafted back in
- Zech 12:10, 13:1
- Quote: Spurgeon
- Zech 2:10-11
- These prophecies do not just speak of spiritual people but of the Jews
- Quote: Charles Hodge
- v14
- There will be life from the dead
- This will encourage the Gentiles to salvation
- Quote: John Piper
- v26-27
- We should look to God to work amongst the Jewish people
Implications for us
- Let us see that God's plans and ways are so much bigger than our plans and ways
- Turn you discouragement and despair into prayer
- Let us be staggered that God uses unbelief and disobedience to His purposes
- v28-32
- God is sovereign
- Do not get caught up in debates
- Pre-millennial vs post-millennial vs amillennial views
- We are not to argue over such things
- We should stand in awe over this (v33-36)
Closing Remarks