Old Llantrisant Hill
- Wonderful example of Nell & Audrey
- Tonight looking at Caleb who was 85
- He had not lost any of his strength
- The Lord had kept him
- He was not giving up or giving in
- He was sure of the promises given to Moses
- This man is a great challenge to us
- Are we looking forward to or enjoying retirement?
- We should still serve the Lord
- Caleb continued with the Lord through his middle years
- We learn three times that he "wholly followed the Lord"
- This is mentioned 6 times throughout the whole Scripture
- Also mentioned of Joshua (twice) and David (once)
- Are we dedicated for the Lord
- He was one of the leaders of God's people
- He was one of the 12 spies (who returned with a good report)
- The mountain was to be given to Caleb and his descendants as an inheritance
- What are the qualities of those called to lead
- Men of faith - Example of Stephen in Acts 6
- These men claim mountains or remove them into the sea [through faith]
- Overview:
- The object of his faith
- The nature of his faith
- The reward of his faith
The object of his faith
- Faith must be in God or it has no effect whatsoever
- We do not have faith in faith
- Caleb is asking for his inheritance - with right motives
- Caleb believed the promise of God and wholly followed the Lord
- He is not being proud in saying "I have wholly followed the Lord"
- It was not false humility
- There must have been acknowledgment in the hearts of others
- Caleb claimed the promise
- Num 14:24 - not a specific location
- His heart was not just fixed upon the mountain but he was tenacious for the glory of God
- He wanted to prove how great God was
- Example of George Muller
- His faith was fixed on the glory of God
- 13:1 - pockets of resistance and land still to possess
- Caleb's faith was routed in the word of God
- He never doubted, even though he waited 45 years
- Lessons for us:
- When we were first saved - Jesus was the object of our faith
- Have we taken our eyes of Christ as time has gone by?
- Are we looking for the return of the Lord?
- Are we holding onto God's promises? - Examples
- Are we seeking to advance?
- Consider the Apostle Paul - Phil 3:10-14
The nature of his faith
- He wholly followed the Lord
- v8, 9, 14
- This faith seemed to give him vigour of body - v11
- Lessons for us:
- How committed are we to God?
- How committed are we to Jesus Christ?
- It was not easy to keep his faith going
- Everybody was murmuring against him
- The people of God wandered through the wilderness for 40 years
- He waited for 45 years - but his faith still shone brightly
- Lessons for us:
- Is our faith growing?
- How we are in our middle years will affect how we are in our latter years
- Solomon began well but ended badly
- Example of AW Pink
- Josh 17:13 - do not go so far but then not complete
- Examples - Michelangelo, Churchill, Bishop Ryle, Fred Orr
- A whole hearted faith
- A patient faith (faith that did not give up)
- A tenacious faith
The reward of his faith
- He was given the victory and inheritance:
- Above all Caleb's inheritance was in heaven
- Example of Bill Barclay
- What will we be written as our epitaph?
- You are blessed if you receive an inheritance on this earth
- But our real inheritance is in heaven
- Oh that we would look to Jesus
- Quote from TS Elliot