Old Llantrisant Hill
- Reading v14-18
- Concentrating on "The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us"
- The testimony of the apostles - they saw Jesus Christ
- The transfiguration:
- Something of His deity shone forth from His very being
- This was the God man
- He is the only begotten of the Father
- The apostles beheld His glory
- Christianity is about the vertical and the horizontal
- The vertical: the God man
- The horizontal: our relationships with one another
- Overview:
- The miracle of His incarnation
- The person of His incarnation
- Those who benefited from His incarnation
The Miracle of His Incarnation
- Incarnation:
- God became man
- The blessed Eternal God, one who has no beginning or end, one who is infinite
- He who took on human nature
- A miracle that the eternal one should frame Himself in humanity
- He limited Himself to time and space
- A virgin birth
- 2 Cor 8:9
- He would know human frailty and go to the cross
- He made Himself of no reputation
- Jesus was an agent of Creation
- Yet the Creator becomes like one of His creation
- He dwelt, He tabernacled amongst us
- This is an awesome miracle
- If you do not accept the virgin birth then you reject Christianity
- He came to reveal the Father
- He came to identify with us in all our weakness
- He came to redeem our fallen humanity
- He came to raise our bodies
- All those who believe in Him will be resurrected
The Person of the Incarnation
- God has a one and only Son
- They are equal
- He is full of grace and truth
- Grace:
- The Ten Commandments condemn us
- The law came through Moses
- Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ
- All of your sins may be forgiven
- Isaiah 1:18
- 1 John 1:9
- The Grace of Life
- He gives life to your dead soul
- John 1:4
- He is the way, the truth and the life
- He is the Resurrection and the Life
- He will keep you in this grace until the end
- He understands every human experience
- As a Christian you can come confidently to the throne of grace
- Truth:
- He is full of truth
- In Him there is no deceit
- He is the way, the truth and the life
- What is truth?
- Only Jesus Christ is true/truth
Those who benefited from His incarnation
- John 1:16
- We cannot gain our salvation through doing good works
- (Only through Jesus Christ)
- Jesus Christ is our elder brother
- May you be a beneficiary of His incarnation this Christmas