July 24, 2022

Follow Me

Passage: John 1:29-51
Service Type:


Looking at v29 to the end of the chapter
One challenge we face today is sharing the gospel and seeing people convered

These verses are helpful and instructive to us
Jesus is the fulfillment of the Original prophecy

John speaks about the start of Jesus’ ministry – day by day

This is encouraging for us
We can be overwhelmed by the task

Jesus’ concentrates on individuals

People became disciples in different ways

Example of a testimony

The disciples had a testimony
We have a testimony

These are the first encounters these men have with Jesus

Proclamation of Jesus

John the Baptist’s message was very simple – ‘the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world’

He would be identified by the Holy Spirit

John the Baptist has reflected on who Jesus is – and knows He is God’s Lamb

He proclaims this

We can be afraid to proclaim Jesus as the Saviour

The first day of his proclamation – nothing happens

We must not give up proclamation because there is no immediate response
We must keep on giving the same message

People’s eyes are closed/veiled to the gospel
The message of the gospel is a puzzle before Jesus opens our eyes
Quote from JC Ryle

Personal Encounter with Jesus

On the second day, two men hear Jesus and follow Him

They wanted to sit at His feet and listen to His teaching – as they had John the Baptist

They turned from John the Baptist to follow Jesus

They spent considerable time (several hours) in the presence of Jesus Christ
They had a profound assurance that they had found the Messiah

Bringing people face to face to Jesus

Not religion, church or anything else
We need to speak of Jesus

People should recognise He means a lot to us

What book can we offer them?

A gospel
Ask the question ‘who is Jesus’ and ‘is He someone I need to know?’

Personal Evangelism

One disciple telling another that they have ‘found Jesus’
When you know who Jesus is, you have a natural desire to tell others

Example #1

Example #2

Direct Call of Jesus

Philip is called – “Follow Me”

People called during the pandemic – example
The uncertainties of the world
God prepares hearts – example
We are labourers together with God – example

Nathaniel – an encouragement to persevere

He pours cold water on Philip’s assertion
He is not able to answer his question but says ‘come and see’
Example of Aberystwyth conference – studying the word of God

The information does not make sense to Nathaniel who is a student of Scripture
His heart is opened by Jesus

We should not be put off – ‘come and see’

We should bring people to Jesus
His true identity is being revealed (in the titles used of Him in this chapter)

Jesus tells him he will see better things

Do we believe this?
Do we have a lack of expectation of what God will do?
