Thinking about v25 onwards
Reading v32
It is a worrying time for many people
Examples – cost of living, war, personal health
It is good to look at what Jesus says about worry
Several passages about worry:
Matt 6
Phil 4 – we are to guard our hearts and minds
1 Peter 5
These verses were written to persecuted Christians
Jesus was speaking to ordinary people (in the Sermon on the Mount [Matt 6])
Example of the disciples who were dependent upon God’s provision
Example of subsistence living
People in these situations could easily be overwhelmed with worry and anxiety
Being biblical – sound doctrine, living appropriately, worshiping God, church governance
What about our emotions, feelings and stresses?
Jesus wants us to be free of needless worry and anxiety
Sometimes we are the source of our anxiety
We cannot serve both God and money
Thinking ahead/planning is not wrong
God plans and applies His wisdom to His purposes
We have to make plans
Planning ahead should not be a source of worry
Worry can be come excessive
Are you pessimistic?
Personal example
Do you worry about the future?
We like to be in control
Example of weddings
Constant control and obsession – wears people out
Example of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42)
Do we choose the better things / that matter the most?
Are our worries what we need to have or are they of our own making?
Advice on coping with worry
People are more important than things – v25
We are more important than things
Do not be obsessed with the outward
People are most important
Do not make judgments on how people are presented
People with little are often content
Christians are very precious to God the Father – v26
God makes provision
Even Solomon was not arrayed like the beauty of flowers
We are much more valuable than these / very valuable in God’s sight
Worry is futile – v27
It does not even add one step to our lives
It will likely short our lives
Worry is a sign of lack of trust in our heavenly Father
The disciples have little faith
They need to exercise trust in God
Are we of little faith?
Are we growing in trust in God?
There were times when the disciples lacked faith
Do we find it easier to trust God as we have seen His faithfulness?
He knows what we need
Do we have trust and confidence in God?
He already knows our needs – and will provide for them
Seek first His kingdom and righteousness – v33
All these things will be given to us
Example of George Muller
We can easily lose focus in our materialistic society
We are not concerned with the things that God has called us to
We are not focusing on the things that really matter
Psalm 37:25-26
Can you recount God’s provision
Closing Remarks
We cannot change what will happen tomorrow but we can deal with today
Seek first His kingdom
Be like Mary and not Martha
Consider these words were spoken by Jesus – God provided for Him
Pray about your situations, worries and anxieties
God provides for us