June 25, 2023

Father Forgive Them (Part 2)

Passage: Matthew 18:21-35
Service Type:

This morning we looked at those who put Christ on the cross

His heart was ‘Father forgive them’
Recap (of this morning)

Jesus came that people would have life – not to destroy them
Example of Samaritan Village
There will be judgment for those who do not repent
There will be life for those who turn and repent – this is great news for us

If when we crucify him afresh in our hearts, Jesus’ heart is soft and gentle to us
Jesus longs for people to avoid hell

We thought how this brought great comfort

But they provide us with a profound challenge

Jesus prayed and worked for the salvation of His enemies – do we?

How do we respond to this?

We have real enemies

John 16:2
John 15:21
How people treated Jesus – people will treat us
Matt 10:22, 5:11

Sinners hate Jesus and want to get rid of Him

It is only natural that the world wants to get rid of Christians
The world hates Jesus and so they hate Christians
In extremis – torture, imprisonment and martyrdom
We should not be surprised at how people treat us – see how the treated Jesus

If not, then we need to question if we are truly living a Christ-like life

How should we respond?

What would Jesus do?

We are Christ’s disciples
We do as He would

Remember that Christ suffered (1 Pet 2:21)

He committed no sin, no deceit, no reviling or threatening (1 Pet 2:22-23)
We should respond ‘Father forgive them’

Jesus seeks God to bring them repentance, bring the weight of their sin to the hearts, and cause them to cry out to God

Do we have the mind of Christ in this?

Quote from song ‘May the mind of Christ my Saviour’

It can be done

We are commanded to love our enemies

Therefore we can do this in the power of the Holy Spirit

It has been done

Example of Stephen

The people’s conscience was pricked

Example of John Huss
Example of Korean Man
We might not be able to do this

It is amazing what God can do in the hearts of his people

It is supernatural

We cannot try to be better
We must be honest
We must ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit
We must acknowledge that we cannot do it
The Spirit gives us the desire and ability, but we must do our part

Remember how Christ has dealt with us

Matt 18:21-22
Not 3 times as the Rabbi’s taught, not 7 times as Peter though, but 70×7 – i.e. an infinite number of times
Jesus tells a parable to illustrate this point

The master forgives the servant who owes him a lot
Yet the servant is very hard hearted … and refuses to forgive the servant who owes him little
The servant should have had compassion on his colleague
The servant had not appreciated what had been done for him

The challenge for us

Do we really appreciate what God has done for us?
We need to meditate on the immensity of what has been done for us
Quote from Song

You never know what God can do with those you forgive

Example of Saul of Tarsus

1 Cor 15:9, Gal 1:13
Acts 8:3 – like a lion with prey
Paul was saved and shown mercy
People praised and glorified God because of his transformation

Reading Acts 7:57-60

Stephen prayed for those who causing his death – as Jesus did as His death

In a sense he said ‘Father forgive them’

Saul hears these words

Then the persecution arises / Saul lashes out
The word of God pricks people’s consciences

Kicking against the goads

God had working in Paul’s heart before the Damascas road experience
One was hearing Stephen pray

All this came from Stephen’s willingness to pray, including for Saul

We should pray for the salvation of our enemies

Example of Coventry Cathedral
Think of the dying thieves – one repentant and one not

Was is Jesus’ prayer that stirred up the dying thieves heart towards Him?

Closing Remarks