April 25, 2021

Failure and Victory – The old man & the new

Passage: Romans 7:13-25
Service Type:

The series – Complimentary and Paradoxical Truths
We started with “The love and wrath of God”

Quick recap
We must have a balanced view

Last week we considered “Human depravity and the image of God”

Quick recap
We must have a balanced view

This evening looking at Romans 7 in the context of Romans 6 and 8

Rom 7:13-25 – failure
Rom 6 & 8 – victory/overcoming sin

A key to understanding these chapters

Rom 7 – focusing on individuals without Christ
Rom 6 & 8 – walking in the Spirit and newness of life

Different viewpoints:

Not as simple as saying are you in Rom 7 or Rom 6 & 8
A debate that Rom 7 does not describe the believer
Some say Rom 7 deals with someone becoming a Christian and reassurance in Rom 8

Every believer fails


Saved from the power of sin

Not perpetual sin – Rom 8:3
Sanctification and there should be progression in holiness
We cannot use Rom 7 as an excuse from sin

Rom 6:14 – you are no longer under sin

v4 – we were baptised into Christ’s death
v6 – no longer a slave to sin
We are no longer under law
Rom 7:6 – we live under the spirit of the law
Rom 6:16-17
Rom 6:13 – the key verse
We are to offer ourselves not to sin but to God and righteousness

This is not automatic – v12

The new position we are in – Victory in Christ

Rom 7

v15 – a struggle
v7, 11, 13 – does verse 15 just apply to the apostle Paul?

Is he speaking about his chasm of sin during his conversion?
Is he speaking as a mature believer sensitive to sin?

A mature believer is bothered by the smallest of sin, sins of omission and commission

Closing Remarks

Different views
How does this apply to us?