Why fear man?
As human beings – we all want to be accepted
The fear of man and rejection should not take precedence over right or wrong and God Himself
We should not fear people rather than God
Who do I fear?
Do I fear God or man?
Why fear the status quo? (v1-3)
Everything will one day be known before God
Beware of just following religious leaders and fit in
The passage begins with a large crowd, following on from pronouncing woes (see last Sunday’s sermon)
There was a very large crowd – they were trampling one another
There were those who were there to see miracles and listen out of curiosity
There were others who loved and followed Him – His friends (v4)
Jesus speaks to His friends
Why fear the status quo? (v1-3)
Explanation of the leaven – the hypocritical way of the pharisees is spreading amongst the people
Is legalism alive today?
Legalism is alive today
The legalist is hard/quick on others and soft on themselves
If we are honest – does this partly apply to us?
The legalist turns other peoples virtues into vices and their own vics into virtues
Reading v2-3
Num 32:23
Your sin will find you out
Also, your witness will go fourth
How are you at home? What is the real you?
We must be the same in all places
1 Tim 5:24-25
Quick Recap
Why don’t you fear God? (v4-7)
Our deepest fear is death – examples
Reading v4-5 – The fear of Hell
The worst can be done is the death of the body
Apostles and disciples were martyred
Jesus gives reason to fear God
He has the power to cast into hell
The word ‘hell’ is Gehenna – literally from the valley of Hennan
An evil and wicked place
Example of the Hebrew midwives
Reading v6-7 – The value of human life
God can count all our hairs – He knows us through and through
He values us so much
If He values us this much, why do we fear God?
Why fear confessing Jesus before men? (v8-12)
Reading v8-9
Compare self-adulation vs confessing Jesus before men
Jesus made the same statement in different ways – quote
Example of Peter
Quote from Norwegian believer
Are you ashamed of Jesus in different situations?
Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
Quote from song
Expect persecution – but do not fear, Jesus will give us the words to say
Reading v10 – a warning
cf Luke 11:15
The religious leaders were attributing a work of God to satan and rejecting the work of Jesus Christ
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven
When a personal final rejects/turns away from God
Not the same as a sinner finally repenting and receiving forgiveness
Reading v11-12 – the encouragement
Example of Stephen, Paul, Luther
We know that some fail – example of Thomas Cranmer
Examples of persecution / difficult days
The antidote:
Honour the Father
Honour the Son
Honour the Holy Spirit
God will stand with and honour us
Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves
Quote from Paul
Closing Remarks