Dealing with Fears & Weaknesses
- After Othniel (chapter 3), things went down hill
- Other Judges, then Gideon
- God is not calling heroes to save Israel but willing servants
- Israel might be tempted to think they can conquer Midian in their own strength
- God uses fear to whittle them down
- cf Deut 20:8
- We are afraid of different things
- Is our fear stopping us from action?
- The Church needs action
- God deals with confidence in man and strength in numbers
- Personal Example
- God hears the prayers of the few
- Are these 300 the bravest mightiest warriors amongst the Israelites?
- Are they infact the weakest - the least like characters?
- God does not always use the elite of society
- God often choses the least likely people
- Personal example
- God brings glory to Himself
- Glory went to God and the privilege went to people
- Nightmares - do you have a nightmare of a bread roll running down into the tent?
- They interpreted this as Gideon coming to smash the camp
- Many of our fears are unreasonable
- Types of fears - examples
- It is still a stumbling block and preventing you from action
- All 32'000 Israelites were afraid - but they all turned up to fight
- Example of war veterans
- Why would the Midianites be afraid?
- They are large in number and have outward confidence
- Inwardly they are insecure
- Personal example - Are we fearful of letting God down?, Are we afraid of God Himself?
- We cannot always overcome our fears
- We may need to pray daily for strength
- Sometimes we are delivered from our fears
- God is not looking for fearlessness but obedience
- Example of chapter 6
- Fear is okay - as long as it does not prevent us from action
- Example of flying and conversation with lady
- cf Luke 12:4-7
- We do not need to be afraid of God - if we know Him
Power from weakness
- Gideon's weakness for power caused him to sin later on
- God's power is made obvious in our weakness
- Gideon is a weak man, from a weak tribe
- This is not a false humility
- We are weak without God
- Serving yourself with serving the King is just serving yourself
- God acknowledges Gideon's weakness - but says 'I will be with you'
- We need to avoid arrogance in our own strength
- cf 2 Cor 12:7-10
- When we are weak God reveals Himself all the more
- Heb 11:32-34
- Phil 4:13
- We should not fear our weaknesses
- We need reassurance
- "If you are afraid, go down to the camp..."
- He will be reassured by knowing that they are fearful
- We all need reassurance - example
- As Christians we also need reassurance
- God loves you
- Gideon praises God - he is ready to spring into action
Good Leadership
- A good model for those in Christian leadership
- Watch me
- Follow me
- Do as I do [Emulate me]
- Be careful because bad leaders can lead us astray
- Check all against Scripture
- Example of football
- Leaders are not perfect, Pastors are not perfect
- Jesus Christ is the head of the Church - the true leader and He is perfect
Closing Remarks