Crushing the Serpents Head
- A wonderful promise
- Chapter 1-2: describe God making a perfect world
- Perfect communion with God
- Lived in paradise
- Could eat from any tree
- He had given them one law
- Lucifer:
- Was cast down into heaven
- This is a mystery:
- The Secret things belong to God
- Some things have been revealed to us
- A third of the angels went with him in rebellion
- His mission was to spoil everything God had created
- Man was created in God's own image
- He was the target of the devil's attack
- The devil came to challenge the one law that God had given
- The serpent:
- Was directly challenging the word of God
- He spreads the same lie today - you cannot trust the Bible, God or His word!
- He puts doubt in her mind (v2)
- Eve's response:
- She repeats what God had said (v3)
- The serpent puts confusion in her mind (v4-5)
- She coveted the fruit and took of it and ate
- She gave some fruit to Adam who also ate (v6)
- The consequence:
- A spiritual death (immeadiately)
- A physical death (at a later time)
- Fear and shame instead of communion with God
- Hiding from God
- Adam's response:
- He blames Eve
- He blames God - "the woman You gave me" (v12)
- Is this not our response today - to blame others or even God?
- Eve's response:
- She passes the blame also (v13)
- Curses:
- The Serpent (v14)
- The woman (v16)
- The man (v17-19)
- Darkness, curse and broken communion
- Man is cast out of Eden (v24)
- Catastrophic
- The whole human race under sin
- A glorious promise (v15)
- Enmity between the Seed and the serpent
- God will turn Man against the serpent
- A second Adam would come to crush the serpent's head
- A promise of victory
- Overview:
- The Enmity
- The Battle
- The Victory
The Enmity
- Enemies
- Consider Israel and Palestine
- v19 death | v20 life
- God showed grace and mercy to Adam and Eve (v21)
- A line that would come through Eve to the virgin Mary and the promised Seed
- Christ was the Seed who would crush Satan
- Cain and Abel
- Abel sacrificed to God
- Cain refused to come to God through sacrifice (but his own works)
- Enmity between Cain and Abel
- Cain slew Abel
- Enmity between:
- Noah (and his Family) and the world
- Ishmael and Isaac
- Esau and Jacob
- Amilech & Moab opposed God's people
- The Babylonians opposed God's people
- Herod and Christ
- This enmity still exists between the Church and the world
- We are to seek peace with all men
- Scripture states there will always be a division
- Christ confirmed this
- Because of the Gospel
- Persecution of the Church
- We are not to be friends with the world
- We must stand for Truth (in love and grace)
The Battle
- From the beginning there was a battle
- Cain killed Abel (but God raised up Seth)
- The time of Moses - Pharaoh wants to kill all the male children
- The Babylonian exile - 10 tribes of Israel were lost
- God worked
- Judah remained
- He raised up Joseph
- He raised up Moses
- The birth of the Messiah
- The battle is raging:
- Rev 12
- Explanation
- Herod kills all the male children
- Jesus goes to Egypt and returns to Nazareth afterwards
- Jesus begins His ministry and is Baptised
- The devil tempts Jesus
- Jesus' ministry:
- The demons appear
- Nazareth reject Jesus
- His own brothers initially reject Him
- The pharisees reject Him
- Satan uses Simon Peter (whom Jesus rebukes)
- Satan enters into Judas
- Jesus' time:
- The Garden of Gethsemane
- The cross
The Victory
- Jesus came to redeem men and women from sin
- He is the Second Adam
- The First Adam plunged us into sin
- The Second Adam saved us from sin
- The First Adam rebelled against God
- The Second Adam never sinned
- Jesus was wounded and died upon the cross
- He was being bruised (spiritually)
- His heel was bruised but He crushed Satan's head
- Satan is defeated
Closing Remarks & Challenge