Old Llantrisant Hill
- Gone through the book of Acts - we have come to the final chapter
- Reading Acts 28:1-16
- Coming to the end
- Nothing human ever lasts - examples
- Life is short - quote
- Are lives are subject to God's will and must come to an end
- Paul's life
- His plan was to go to Rome and then Spain
- In all probability his life ended in Rome
- Romans 1:11-13 – He desired to go to Rome but his plans were thwarted
- Romans 15:22-24
- What hindrances do we have in our lives? - examples
- Paul did not think he would go to Rome as a prisoner
- Paul did not foresee a terrible shipwreck
- Paul was a prisoner of Rome
- Do prisoners get special treatment
- He was used remarkably on the ship
- Tremendous favour was shown him
- Paul's life really counted
- Do our lives count?
- We are called to finish the race
- Do we get things wrong? - example
- Paul learnt to wait upon God
Our lives are invincible until God chooses to take us
- A poisonous snake fastens on his hand when looking for firewood
- God had said that Paul would testify in Rome - Acts 23:11
- Do we realise that our days are ordered by God?
- Examples
- This means we should trust God
Great men gather sticks
- It is easy to judge a man on material matters - examples
- God looks not at the outward but the heart
- God sees the little things - the servant spirit
- Paul did not expect people to do things for himself, he did things for others
- The Lord Jesus Christ was a humble servant - Phil 2:7-8
Human judgments so often miss the mark
- The native people first thought Paul was a murdered, then a god
- Example of Hannah with Eli, the 'rival' altar, King Saul
- How good a judge of character are we?
- We should allow God to be the judge of people
God orders Paul's footsteps
- Examples:
- The natives showed these 267 strangers unusual kindness - whether it was just Paul and the smaller group, we don't know - v2
- The leading citizen of the island entertains them for 3 days - v7
- Paul healed through the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ - v8
- God is using Paul's privileged gift and position as an apostle of Christ
- They provided for their departure - v10
- The blessings for Paul were really a blessing to others
Fellowship with other believers
- Paul shares deep fellowship with other believers - v14
- A delegation from Rome comes to meet Paul - v15
- Quote from Bernard Lewis preaching last week
- Personal example
- Julius [the Centurion] must have been flabergastered at all he saw
- Example from the book "Life Stories"
- Example of listening online to Jesus Prayer and 'Behind the Stage''
Closing Remarks