Palm Sunday
Text is from v38-39
Jesus rode into Jerusalem not on a white charging horse, but a donkey
The crowds entered the city area
What great singing, what great joy – v37
A mixed crowd of people
For some it would be a glad day, for others a bad day
A day of fulfillment for the Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus was in control
To focus on two aspects
The cheers of the crowd
The tears of the Christ
The cheers of the crowd
Who ? – v37-38
Personal example
The disciples began praising God in a loud voice
Example of miracles:
The blind man – Luke 18:41-42
Zacchaeus – Luke 19:2,6-8
Lazarus – John 11:19,43
Would you like to have been there?
Placing cloaks on the floor – a prophetic donkey ride
The Messiah
cf 2 Kings 9:13
A cry of ‘Hosanna’ – Mark 11:9
Ps 118:25-26 – Hosanna: save Lord we beseech you
There were some who objected
Jesus received the adoration of the crowd – He was worthy of this as God
Jesus had come for His people
The cheers of the crowd were deafening
The tears of the Christ
Not a picture of ‘party time’ but a man of sorrows acquainted with grief
He wept over the city – v41
Isa 53:4
Crying over the misconception of the people
The people saw the power to drive out the Romans
The people saw the kingship of Israel being restored …
… National glory
The people were ignorant – v42
They refused to see
Do you refuse to see the living God?
Jesus had come to set people free from sin
The people had hardened their hearts
Does the Man of Sorrows weep for you now?
Is there any reason why Jesus should weep over us?
He offers us salvation – will we accept this
Crying over their future – v43-44
‘You’ and ‘your’ – x10
It would be a judgment on the people for their lack of belief
Quote from Josephius – total destruction of Jerusalem
God’s visitation
Will it be judgment to you?
Closing Remarks
Can you say hosanna from your heart?
Are you hardening your heart?
On Good Friday – Jesus died on the cross in our place
Col 1:19
What is Easter to you?
Jesus comes to bring peace to you through the blood of His son
It is a time of cheers or a time of tears
Will you come?