Come and See the Lamb of God
v29 – John the Baptist is preaching at the River Jordan to the people of Israel
Preaching about the one promised of God – who would save His people
He testifies that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ
He is ascribed the title Messiah and Lamb of God
This is a title that benefits all humanity, not just the Israelites
This benefits every person since Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
There is none more worthy of attention that Jesus Christ
As Christians, we have been brought from death to life and set free from sin – we are children of God
He has set us free
When God looks upon us – He sees the righteousness of Christ
If you are not a Christian – there is none more worthy of attention
Consider Him
Consider your life
Consider your eternity
Jesus is the one you need
Come and See the Lord Jesus Christ
The one who is the Saviour of the World
The Lamb of God
Not just a Saviour and Lord
Whenever we open the Bible – we see Jesus Christ
His titles are incredible: e.g. John 1
The Word
The Maker of all things
The Light
The Life
Son of God
Son of Man
Lamb of God
Surely someone with this many titles – deserves our attention?
The most titled person in all of history
Example of Scholar expounding all Jesus’ titles in the New Testament for 30 minutes
The most significant title used by John the Baptist
Starting at v29 (but the portion of text is from v19-42)
This occurs over 3 consecutive days
There is a progression to John’s testimony and preaching on each day
Day 1 – Christ is here (v26)
Day 2 – Jesus is the Christ (v30)
Day 3 – He directs his listeners to follow Christ (v36-37)
We must point people to Christ
The Lamb of God (v29)
Agnus Dei (in Latin)
Prominently featured in music and art
Only two books in the Bible call Jesus the Lamb of God (John and Revelation)
Rev 5:11-12 – praised because He is the Lamb of God
Featured throughout the Biblical story of Redemption
Can be traced back to Abraham – story of Isaac at Mount Moriah
A sacrifice of a lamb was given
Jesus is a substitute to take our place – He took the death we deserve
God poured His wrath on Jesus – on account of our sins
Jesus is our substitute lamb
The Passover
A sacrifice of a lamb was needed
This sacrifice spared the blood of the Israelites
Jesus’ blood spares us of death and sin
Only through the Lamb of God can the sin of the world be taken away
Only through the Lamb of God can our sin be taken away
He is our complete Saviour
Isa 53:7,5
Jesus is the Saviour of the world – Jews and Gentiles
People of every language
Rev 7:9
His blood is able to cleanse all from sin
His sacrifice was for the world and yet the world rejects Him
v30 – Jesus is after but before John the Baptist
He is eternal
The second person of the Trinity
There is a relationship between the Father and the Son
His identity is not secret
v31 – John the Baptist did not fully comprehend Jesus Christ
v32-33 – The Christ was revealed to him
v34 – John the Baptist testified that Jesus was the Christ
There are eye witness accounts to corroborate this
The Holy Spirit makes Christ known to each of us
Jesus Christ came to baptise with the Holy Spirit
A baptism of the heart
To be born again
The Holy Spirit regenerates our stony heart and makes it new
Example of Nicodemus
Baptism of water is an ordinance of God
Baptism of the Holy Spirit is necessary for salvation
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved
The Holy Spirit works in us to believe in Jesus Christ
v35-36 – John saw who Christ was and continues to testify of Him
Behold the Lamb of God
v37 – John’s disciples follow Jesus Christ
What must we do?
Jesus says to the disciples "Come and see" (v39)
We are to exhort others to ‘come and see’ Jesus
Come and see – examples to see
Only by coming will you see
We are to tell all around us – see the Lamb of God
The disciples went to their own family (v40-42)
Then they went to a friend (v45-46)
‘Come and see’
Nathaniel declared Jesus as Son of God (v49) because he came and saw
Come and see – Jesus
v51 – Jesus is the ladder (the ladder of Jacob) that will take people to heaven
Come and see Jesus
Do not reject as the world does
Listen to His welcome voice
Learn from the disciples, point others to Christ – ‘Come and See’