Old Llantrisant Hill
- Devastating floods
- But none compares to the great flood in Noah' time
- All died apart from those in the Ark
- This flood was an act of judgment
- It is a foretelling of the Final Judgment - in which Christ is our ark
- We will be safe in Jesus Christ
- Choose life
- Chapter 8
- 150 days into the flood
- 40 days of rain
- The water from above and below had covered the land
- Noah and his family floated in the ark (along with the animals) for the next 110 days
- How might Noah have felt?
- Explanation:
- How Noah might have felt
- What life must have been like in the ark
- Noah had been through a traumatic time
- Doubts and questions likely arose in his mind
- A trial in the ark
- There are accounts in the Bible of believers that have doubted after a prolonged trial
- The Psalmist
- Kind David (e.g. running from his own son)
- Do cries like this strike a chord with us?
- Christians go through times like these
- Gen 8:1 – "God remembered Noah"
- Hebrew meaning: Not simply a mental recall but meaning action
- Hebrew meaning: Acting to help someone in accordance with a promise previously given
- God had not forgotten or forsaken Noah
- God left Noah in the trial, sustained him through the trial and at the right time delivered him from the trial
- Perhaps you feel that God has left you in the trial?
- You are too precious to God for Him to give you up
- He has promised to never leave nor forsake us
- We must not interpret God from our circumstances – we must interpret our circumstances from God
- God will act when the time is right
- Trials are part of Christian life
- Jesus was forsaken – so we will never be
- The Biblical teaching on trials:
- This trial is not out of God's control
- This trial is not a judgment
- This trial is working to your eternal good
- Our Father is with us and will uphold us during this trial
- He will in due course bring us out of the trial
- David says of God "You have answered me"
- Affliction is the time to exercise faith
- Not blind faith
- Faith that has been proved time and again
- Closing Remarks