Birth prophecies: Light in darkness
- Looking at Light shining in the darkness
- I love Christmas - an opportunity at Christmas to come alongside people
- 1 in 10 people only speak to a family member once a month
- For 40% of older people their main friend is the 'TV'
- A lot of depression and hopelessness - a loss of community
- Often we can be like Ebenezer Scrooge
- Isaiah gives a wonderful message of hope, light in the darkness
Hope in the worst of times (7:14)
- A verse to King Ahaz
- Isaiah has been given this prophecy
- He was called to minister at a very difficult time
- A split Kingdom
- The Tribe of Ephraim was dominant
- He ministered to Judah in the South
- Isaiah was a willing servant
- He was sent to a people who would not listen
- Isaiah asks how long - 6:11
- Until the desolation - 6:12
- There is hope - 6:13
- The problem:
- Assyria is gaining ground
- Israel goes into alliance with Syria
- Ahaz tries to make an alliance with Assyria
- Isaiah warns against this
- Israel and Syria turn against Judah
- The Syrial-Ephramite War
- Deliverance will come - 7:4-7
- There is comfort
- Do not fear, the Lord is in control
- The Lord gives a sign
- 7:14
- Probably fulfilled in 8:3
- Isaiah married a virgin and she conceived a son
- The
- The Lord will come quickly - 7:16
- The sign is in a child
- He will bring deliverance to His people at the worst of time
- Matthew
- The Angels give this prophecy to Joseph
- It is not just of a local time but applies to the Lord Jesus Christ
- This prophecy will be fulfilled in a more substantial way
- There had been silence of 400 years [between the last Prophet and the Gospels]
- The people of God had been massacred - 10 tribes had been lost
- The people were few in number and ruled by Rome
- What had happened to the line of David?
- Can we imagine that the House of Windsor would come to a end?
- 'In the bleak midwinter'
- Ahaz was given a sign
- The shepherds were given a sign
- The sign - a child
- A child who is vulnerable and helpless
- Ahaz didn't believe the sign or trust in God
- He trusted in man
- 8:22
- Isaiah's response - 8:17
- Ahaz should have hallowed God - 8:13
- If we look to man to solve our problems ...
- The UK is going through dark times - examples
- ... the underlying problem of sin can only be solved by the Lord
- Do you feel in darkness and bondage this morning? - hope in Him
Hope in the most unlikely of places (9:1-2)
- 9:1-2
- The places in the North that were obliterated
- That very place that knew the judgment of God will see a great light
- What happened after?
- The Gentiles had come in
- They were despised
- Galilee of the Gentiles
- The Jews despised Galilee and Samaria
- In the most unlikely of places, light is dawning - 9:2
- Matt 4:12-17
- In the most unlikely of places there was hope
- The majority of Jesus' miracles were done in Galilee
- God works in the most unlikely of places
- Many Muslims turning to God's light
- Nowhere should be despised and we should not say that God cannot work there
Hope in the greatest of Persons (9:6 & 11:1-5)
- Jesus is exactly like His Father
- There is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- We trust in Jesus Christ
- He is the mediator between God and man
- He is Mighty God
- He has come to bring joy - 9:3
- In Jesus Christ there is joy
- Example of visit to Portugal
- Of the increase of His government there will be no end
- A Rod from the stem of Jesse
- Jesse was a nobody [he did not have a great name like David]
- God will bring life
- The house had been reduced just to Jospeh and Mary
- God would raise up Jesus
- A seven fold blessing:
- The Spirit of God resting upon Him
- The Spirit of wisdom upon Him
- The Spirit of understanding upon Him
- The Spirit of counsel upon Him
- The Spirit of might upon Him
- The Spirit of knowledge upon Him
- The Spirit of the fear of the Lord upon Him
- There is nobody like Jesus
- Perfect man and perfect God
- His delight is in the fear of the Lord - 11:3
- What do we delight in?
- He came to the poor in spirit - 11:4
- He comes in righteousness - 11:5
- Is our hope in Him?
- Isaiah saw God's glory - he saw much
- What do you see this Christmas?
Closing Remarks