October 11, 2020

An Overcoming Faith

Passage: Deuteronomy 1:19-39
Service Type:


Opening comments
Comparison of Joshua and Caleb with the other ten and the unbelieving people of God
Today is a day of perplexion, fear, doubt

God is calling us to faith – will we continue to walk, live and overcome by faith?

Do we strong faith in our Church and our own hearts?

God will do great things
God honours faith

Joshua and Caleb had both the 10 men and the nation against them

Everybody was against them
God had promised – Deut 1:8

The 10 were afraid – they saw obstacles that appeared too large
The people wanted not to go into the land but also to get rid of their leaders (Numbers 13-14)

Yet Joshua and Caleb’s faith remained

What they saw

What they saw

It was agreed to send out spies

Some might say this showed a lack of faith
Others a wise strategy

They saw a good land (v25)

Numbers 13 – such abundant fruit
They all saw a good land

They saw an occupied land (v28)

A greater people
Greatly fortified cities
Giants in the land

They saw the blessings and the obstacles

They concentrated on the difficulty

How would we react in the same situation?

Yet Joshua and Caleb see it very differently – they see the promises of God beyond the earthly situation

Numbers 14:7-9

Do we trust in the living God?

Two very different reactions – even though they saw the same things

Who do we listen to in the current climate?

We should not be ignorant …
… but our eyes are upon the Lord

Perhaps coronavirus is a sifting test for the Church

Do you see untold potential or failure?

What is your view of the UK?

Do you only see problems or do you believe God is able?

What did they believe about God?

Their view of God was distorted

They believed that God hated them (v27)

Even though Israel was the chosen people of God

Do we have such a warped view of God?

Perhaps because of our circumstances

Deut 1:2-3

An 11 day journey had turned into a 40 year journey (with a 38 year delay)
Wandering in the desert

Murmuring and complaining
Instead of making progress, there is endless delay

Eventually they did go up – but in their own strength – and there was an awful defeat (v41)

They believed they could do as they wanted and suffered as a result
Moses reminds the people that God is for them (v29-30) [he believed God]

God delivered them from Egypt
Numbers 11:12 – God had carried them all the way
Supernatural care for them from God (v33)

We should review our lives and see how God has been for us

We must remember this in our present circumstances

What were their destiny’s?

The majority of people died in the desert and did not go into the promised land

God was prepared to forgive their transgressions if they had repented, but …
… their singular problem was unbelief

Joshua and Caleb went in (v34-38)

Example of Jericho

The others valued the temporary comfort of their tents

They were carnally minded
Perhaps worried about their children going into such a situation …
… yet their children inherited (v38-39)

Personal example

Closing Remarks

This people were a stiff-necked people
Let us be people that hear the voice of God and believe His word
Quote from poet
Quote from John
Let us wait for God’s counsel
Let us believe God