Old Llantrisant Hill
- Opening comments
- Comparison of Joshua and Caleb with the other ten and the unbelieving people of God
- Today is a day of perplexion, fear, doubt
- God is calling us to faith - will we continue to walk, live and overcome by faith?
- Do we strong faith in our Church and our own hearts?
- God will do great things
- God honours faith
- Joshua and Caleb had both the 10 men and the nation against them
- Everybody was against them
- God had promised - Deut 1:8
- The 10 were afraid - they saw obstacles that appeared too large
- The people wanted not to go into the land but also to get rid of their leaders (Numbers 13-14)
- Yet Joshua and Caleb's faith remained
- Overview:
- What they saw
What they saw
- It was agreed to send out spies
- Some might say this showed a lack of faith
- Others a wise strategy
- They saw a good land (v25)
- Numbers 13 - such abundant fruit
- They all saw a good land
- They saw an occupied land (v28)
- A greater people
- Greatly fortified cities
- Giants in the land
- They saw the blessings and the obstacles
- They concentrated on the difficulty
- How would we react in the same situation?
- Yet Joshua and Caleb see it very differently - they see the promises of God beyond the earthly situation
- Do we trust in the living God?
- Two very different reactions - even though they saw the same things
- Who do we listen to in the current climate?
- We should not be ignorant ...
- ... but our eyes are upon the Lord
- Perhaps coronavirus is a sifting test for the Church
- Do you see untold potential or failure?
- What is your view of the UK?
- Do you only see problems or do you believe God is able?
What did they believe about God?
- Their view of God was distorted
- They believed that God hated them (v27)
- Even though Israel was the chosen people of God
- Do we have such a warped view of God?
- Perhaps because of our circumstances
- Deut 1:2-3
- An 11 day journey had turned into a 40 year journey (with a 38 year delay)
- Wandering in the desert
- Murmuring and complaining
- Instead of making progress, there is endless delay
- Eventually they did go up - but in their own strength - and there was an awful defeat (v41)
- They believed they could do as they wanted and suffered as a result
- Moses reminds the people that God is for them (v29-30) [he believed God]
- God delivered them from Egypt
- Numbers 11:12 - God had carried them all the way
- Supernatural care for them from God (v33)
- We should review our lives and see how God has been for us
- We must remember this in our present circumstances
What were their destiny's?
- The majority of people died in the desert and did not go into the promised land
- God was prepared to forgive their transgressions if they had repented, but ...
- ... their singular problem was unbelief
- Joshua and Caleb went in (v34-38)
- The others valued the temporary comfort of their tents
- They were carnally minded
- Perhaps worried about their children going into such a situation ...
- ... yet their children inherited (v38-39)
- Personal example
Closing Remarks
- This people were a stiff-necked people
- Let us be people that hear the voice of God and believe His word
- Quote from poet
- Quote from John
- Let us wait for God's counsel
- Let us believe God