An old man sees a vision
- Opening Remarks
- Chapter 9 - Daniel in prayer
- A prayer of confession
- God sent the Angel Gabriel (9:23)
- Daniel's prayer had a staggering effect on world history
- Now the 3rd year of the reign of King Cyrus
- Daniel is discouraged
- Only a small remnant has returned
- The work has stopped - due to the effect of the Samaritans
- Daniel was in mourning - v2-3
- Not just praying 3 times a day
- Weeping in prayer 3 times a day
- He is seeking God with all his heart and might
- He has an awesome vision
- Only Daniel saw the vision
- He was trembling on his hands and knees
- He is touched 3 times - strengthened on the last touch
An Encounter with the Son of God
- This is an encouragement to pray
- What did Daniel need most?
- Reassurance that Israel would be restored
- A promise of revival/reformation
- He needed an encounter with the Son of God
- An encounter with Jesus Christ
- v5-6
- Rev 1:13-16
- Differences between the two passages but great similarities too
- Daniel fell down as if dead v9
- People's encounters with Deity are awesome
- We cannot cope with the presence of God's majesty
- What do we need most?
- Congregations...
- Favourable circumstances with the world...
- It is a real encounter with God
- Not in the same way as special revelation to the prophets and the apostles
- We need reassure from God and His touch upon our lives
An Experience
- Daniel is touched
- Is it the hand of the Saviour?
- cf 12:5-6
- v12-13
- The prince of Persia is a demon
- He needs help from Michael
- Why should the Son of God need help from Michael?
- Perhaps the Son of God was going to use Michael
- Could it be another angel that touched him - e.g. Gabriel (cf 9:21-23)
- v13 - speaking about spiritual warfare
- Would a man fight an angel?
- Cyrus and Darius were never called prince
- This is a prince of darkness
- These are not territorial spirits
- Daniel is comforted at this time
- There is a delay - but he has been heard right from the beginning
- Sometimes we have delays
- There may be battles going on that we do not know about
- Do you believe in spiritual warfare
- Behind the idol is a demon
- Are not lifestyles that are contrary to God demonic?
- The oppression of women
- State worship
- Satan can thwart but never overcome God's purposes
- Paul's plans in the New Testament are thwarted but God overrules
- There is a battle in the heavenlies but in time God's servant comes to Daniel - v14
- Daniel is experiencing a touch of the divine - v10
- He is speechless - v15
- Another touches his lips
- This reminds us of Isaiah
- v16-18 - Daniel was in a good position, because he was in the hand of God
- A third touch - v18
- v20-21
- The people of God have a prince, be encouraged
What does this say to us?
- Rev 12:7-9
- God is almighty
- The devil has power but is cast down
- There is spiritual warfare
- It is not equal
- God has the victory - but the devil continually seeks to upset God's plans
- He still has an influence over people and nations
- Example of victories
- Eph 6:10-13
- There could have been a temptation for Daniel to blame other parties
- Do we blame other parties?
- Do we recognise that the battle in the heavenlies?
- We fight against satan, but Christ has the victory
Closing Remarks
- Be encouraged
- Lets hope in God
- His purposes will prevail