Abraham’s Bad Choices and God’s Overruling
- A sense of de-ja-vu
- Chap 12 - Abraham on the move (to Egypt)
- Tells Sarah to only say that you are my sister
- Pharaoh took Sarah into his harem
- Abraham put her purity in danger
- God plagued Pharaoh
- The Lord deliver Abraham from Pharaoh
- He returns a rich man to Canaan
- Chap 20 - Abraham on the move (to the South)
- Not going out of the promised land
- To Gerra - would one day become philistine territory (modern day Gaza)
- Fears Abimelech and tells Sarah to tell another half truth
- Abimelech takes Sarah
- God speaks to Abimelech in a dream
- God restores Abimelech
- Abimelech rebukes Abraham but is gracious to him
- Abraham is delivered and goes back to Cannan
- 20-25 years have passed between these chapters
- Surely Abraham wouldn't have repeated this error
- Abraham had seen many victories
- He becomes fearful once more
- There is a blip in his life
- The man who usually trusts God in adverse circumstances fails
- God is gracious to Abraham
Abraham's Bad Choices
- Didn't Abraham have a right to move throughout the land?
- He was still within the promised land
- It was a bad choice as he hadn't thought sufficiently about the consequences
- A place of danger
- Why did he go the south?
- We are not told why
- Perhaps he was weary of the shepherd life - some people in life do just want a change
- Maybe it was because he had seen what had happened in Sodom and Gomorrah - some people move in life from a situatioin of sadness to a better place
- Perhaps he fears that Chedorlaomer will come back to the place that they fought the war
- When we have to make decisions
- University
- What is best for me spiritually?
- Is there a good church there?
- Will I know the support of God's people in that place?
- Retirement
- People can find themselves far away from a church
- A good place can turn into a place of danger as people wander away from God
- Job
- Is the Lord really calling me to take on this job?
- New circumstances always bring on new situations and maybe temptations
- Abraham did not set up an altar
- Whenever Abraham sets up an altar there is worship and blessing
Economic with the Truth
- Was he cunning and a bit shrewd?
- We have to be worldly wise
- It does portray a lack of trust in the living God
- When we are weak and at the end of our tether we often return to human was of dealing with problems
- v2, v10-11
- Abraham gives a reason that he thought "the fear of God was not in this place"
- Was Abraham right?
- Initially it seems that Abimelech is more upright than Abraham
- It seems that Abimelech has a functioning conscience
- There was common grace
- God had to ordain Sarah's release
- God had to restrain Abimelech from touching Sarah
- Abraham knew they would kill him over Sarah
- There was not the fear of God in this place
- v13 - Sarah and Abraham had made a pact when down in Egypt to be economic with the truth
- To save Abraham
- They failed to trust God
- When as Christians should we divulge all the truth or when is it wise we should not tell the whole truth
- We are not to satisfy people's idle curiosity
- We are to be people of discretion
- We are not always obligated to respond
- There are times when we do have to speak thins exactly as they are
- We ought not to be deceptive
- Our 'yes' should be yes and our 'no' no
- This episode reflects badly on Abraham
- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." - Prov 3:5-6
- Consider the deception of Ananias and Sapphira
- Not through deception and fear
- They want to parade their spirituality throughout the church
- They want to deceive even the apostles
- It was deliberate
- Abraham:
- It was not an outright lie - there was some truth in it
- It was because of an extreme situation placed upon him
- Husband and wives
- Don't enter into pacts to deceive others
- We are to be moral, upright people of integrity
Consequences of the bad choices
- Sarah was taken (now a 90 year old woman)
- She died aged 127 - Perhaps she looked very beautiful at this age
- Was Abimelech concerned to get women of influence
- Did he want to enter into marriage into Abraham's family?
- God speaks to Abimelech
- God can speak to unbeliever
- God warns him
- Abimelech begins to challenge Abraham
- Abraham is rebuked openly by a man who doesn't know God
- Have you ever been (rightly) rebuked by a non-Christian
- Abimelech's kindness may have been a rebuke
- Great sadness and temporary pain is brought to Abimelech's household because of Abraham's sin
- Consider Jabez's prayer in 1 Chronicles 4
God's Overruling
- It is teaching the sanctity of marriage
- Abimelech
- Perhaps he was a lustful man and could have any woman he wanted
- He was a king
- Perhaps he was blind to his sin
- Perhaps he was blind to the sin of his people - they were not righteousness (20:4)
- Why did he need the restraint of the Lord?
- Having heard the rebuke of the Lord - why did God have to order him to return Sarah
- Why did he have to go to Abraham and pray?
- God overrules in this situation and secures the obedience of Abimelech
- Abraham surely recognised God's kindness and graciousness in his deliverance
- We can pray to God for His grace and mercy when we mess up
- Abraham is strengthened
- Abimelech recognises that God is with Abraham in all he does
- Abraham never ceased being a prophet of God (v7, v17)
- God still uses Abraham for blessing
- We should pray that God will grant us a close walk with Him
- We are not to trust in our experience but in the Lord
- Be careful not to think that sins we have conquered in the past cannot overtake us
- Know that God loves us
- Know that He overrules, but that we must repent and turn to Him