Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last week was a time of encouragement
- This week is a time of exhortation
- We live increasingly in an age of spirituality
- Example of Owen Blackstone
- Is the Church spirituality alive or are we apathetic?
- Why are numbers going down in the Church?
- Is there a lack of spiritual discernment in these days?
- Heb 5:11 - many have become dull of hearing
- Outline
- Heb 5:11-14 is a rebuke
- Heb 6:1-8 is an exhortation to go on and progress
- Heb 6:9-11 is an encouragement
- Two main views on the passage
- John McArthur: the Jewish context
- The Old Testament Scriptures and teaching
- Babes being non-Christians
- Three cuplets
- The open and final rejection of Christ - applying to unbelievers in church (v4-6)
- The true believer (v9-12)
- Second and more common view
- Heb 5:11-14 (babes) addresses immature believers
- 1 Cor 3:1-3 applies to believers
- Heb 6:1-2 are not purely Old Testament but also New Testament truths
- Heb 6:4-8 are a warning not to reject the faith
- Heb 6:9 speaks of real genuine faith in the majority
- There are other views
- That you can lose your salvation - these verses do not say that
- Other verses in the New Testament are very clear that if God has called and saved a person He will keep that person
Rebuke about Spiritual Immaturity (Heb 5:12-14)
- The gospel had been with these Hebrew people for some time
- Did Paul believe that every single believer should have had some form of teaching and be able to explain the Bible to others (not just the elders)?
- The people were still on the ABC's of faith
- It is sad when we do not see progression
- It would be very sad to think that people in Church haven't really made progression
- Do we have teeth to get into the solid things of God?
- Have we a relish for the deep things of God?
- Paul wanted to teach more on Jesus Christ
- Jesus wanted to teach His disciples more but they could not bear it (John 16:12)
- This is not discouragement for a new Christian
- You are not expected to understand everything of the Bible
- For those who are established we should know more about the doctrines of the Bible
- We should not just want the easy things or bare minimum (Heb 5:13)
- By reason of use we become discerning people (Heb 5:14)
- How discerning are we?
- Can we discern the major issues of God?
- Can we discern between good and evil?
- Are we mature?
- Discernment is a key factor in knowing whether someone is mature or not
- We learn discernment by understanding the word of God
An Exhortation to Growing and Warning against Rejection (Heb 6:1-8)
- Leaving the basics
- These are a foundation on which we build
- We do not reject repentance, baptisms, etc
- We go onto perfection - not sinlessness but maturity
- Repentance:
- You can never go to heaven if you do not understand that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ
- It is not about going to church, our works or anything in ourself
- Baptisms:
- Baptised in the Holy Spirit when you become a Christian
- He comes to live in your heart and you are sealed
- Baptised in water - this demonstrates a real faith and symbolises what has happened internally
- Laying on of hands:
- Leaders were established (Acts 6, 14)
- Healing the sick
- Apostolic works
- Resurrection of the Dead:
- Eternal judgement:
- All people will be judged
- Our soul will depart when we die
- These are all fundamental truths but you need to understand greater things about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
- A very strong warning
- An awful image of being burned
- God expects fruit, life and blessing
- For ungodliness, wickedness and rejection of the truth - there is judgement
- Enlightened, tasted and partakers
- You know the truth of Scripture but have rejected it
- For such that give up totally and finally it is impossible to renew them again
An Encouragement (Heb 6:9-10)
- God is not unjust
- Paul has heard good things about their work - their are in the faith
- Be diligent (Heb 6:11)
- Imitate the strong (Heb 6:12)
- Share the word
- Keep close to the Lord Jesus