February 5, 2023

Until He Comes

Passage: 1 Cor 11:26, John 13:31-14:6
Service Type:


The hope we have as Christians – 1 Cor 11:26

We are to partake in communion until Christ comes again
The thought of Christ’s return was always in the mind of Paul and the early church
They were living in the light of His return
The hope of the Christian is that we will be in glory with Christ
There will be no more sickness, pain or sin

We have been loved so much

We have been cared for so much
One day we will be with our Saviour in glory

The hope of heaven can become dim

We can become too comfortable with the things of earth
Paul reminds us that the things we see are only temporary
We however can have a weak grasp of eternal realities

Let us see more clearly eternal realities

The Certainty of His coming
The Hope of His coming

The Certainty of His coming

The early church was certain of His return

Jesus had given specific teaching (Matt 24, 25)
The apostles gave specific teaching (Thess, Phil, 1 John, Romans)

Some parts of the church focus on Jesus’ return in an unhealthy way

We are not to know the times or seasons
We need to be careful not to cause division
It is not about a timetable but living in the light of His return

Do we think about the second coming?

Do we preach it enough?
Do we think about it enough in our personal lives?

The Corinthian Church thought about it – but only in a superficial way

1 Cor 6 – Paul speaks about these things
2 Cor 4:18

The Doctrine of the Second Coming is given to comfort God’s people – John 14:2-4

Not to fall out over this doctrine
We will be with Christ
Matt 24:29-31
Matt 25:31-33
Acts 1:11
Titus 2:13-14

It is certain that Christ will return

Are we ready?

Example of the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25:1-13)

Have you trusted?

The Hope of His Coming

A time of restitution and purging of evil

There will be no cancer
There will be no death
There will be no more enemy
There will be no suffering

A time of rejuvenation

A new heaven and a new earth

We do not know what this will be like

We will have a resurrection body
Rom 8:18-23
Christ came to save us body and soul
Christ came to raise our bodies from the dead
1 Cor 15:35-36, 42-44
John 12:24
1 Cor 15:20 – Christ is the firstfruits

Our hope is to be with Christ

1 John 3:2-3
Look to Christ