True Repentance
Last Sunday:
John the Baptist – the History, the Herald and the Headline
The Certainty of God’s Word and the Power of God’s Word
Looked particularly last week at John the Baptist who preached a gospel for the remission of sins
Complete removal of our sins
Praise God that our sins are gone
This is the best news
We can be forgiven of our sins
Jesus Christ has dealt with our greatest problem
It gives us freedom from sin in every way – guilt, power and death
Picture the scene:
John the Baptist is a bit of a wild-looking man
He lifts up his voice and heralds forth
What a response from the people
Word gets around and the multitudes came to him
The people are responding to the message and are willing to be baptised
What a response from the preacher
You brood of snakes/offspring of vipers – referencing Satan as the snake in the Garden of Eden
True repentance is absolutely vital
Baptism is a symbolism of this
What is true repentance?
What is True Repentance?
A picture of a tree
Bear fruit in keeping with repentance (v8)
There must be good roots, it must bear good fruit or be cut down (v9)
Repentance begins deep down – it is a root issue
Personal example of the apple tree
A root problem means it is not bearing fruit
John the Baptist can see something wrong with the people because true repentance begins deep down – in heart, mind and being
Greek word metanoia meaning think again
The Holy Spirit reveals what we are really like – a miracle of grace
We become alive to the fact we are sinners
No fruit because the roots are wrong – Prov 23:7
Do not compare yourselves to each other but to God
God dwells in eternal light, He is pure
God incarnate in the form of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ come to do sinners good
Come to God through Jesus, come to Him, stay close to Him
There is a way to God through Jesus Christ
Once we see our need of God, we should come to Him
Repentance and faith are inseparable
Personal example
Real faith implies repentance
What does True Repentance Produce?
Why does John the Baptist call the people a brood of vipers?
What evidence was he looking for?
How do we know if we have repented?
Acts 11:22-23 – the apostles saw evidence of the grace of God
If the root is right – the evidence is genuine fruit
A changed life
Genuine fruit in keeping with repentance
The genuine hallmark of repentance/stamp of Christianity – humility
Humble Christians
Consider the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
We do not consider ourselves better than anyone
There for the grace of God go I
Do we have a desire to keep close to God?
Where do you want to be?
Do we keep our eyes on Him?
A bad root produces bad fruit and a good root produces good fruit
Gal 5:19-23
Works of the flesh vs fruits of the Spirit
The fruits of the Spirit
A commandment of Jesus
We should be marked out by love
We are a diverse group of people – who love one another
Noticed by Tertullian
Closing Remarks