July 17, 2022

The Saving Love of God

Passage: John 3:1-21
Service Type:


We live in a world of passwords and numbers – what do you choose?

John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”

John 3:16

The greatest verse of the bible – translated into over 2300 languages and dialects
Part of a conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus
What does it mean?

Where it comes in the chapter

Jesus starts talking to Nicodemus about the Holy Spirit

Not how we might talk about God the Father, Jesus Christ and then the Holy Spirit
Jesus talks first about the new birth, which is the work of the Holy Spirit

Jesus then moves on to speak about Himself

He speaks of Moses and the Son of Man being lifted up
A reference to the cross of Calvary

Jesus then speaks about God the Father

God’s love

John copies this format in his letter – 1 John 4:12-16

The Holy Spirit – v13
Jesus Christ – 14/15
God – v16

Salvation begins in the depths of God’s love??

In our experience

Perhaps sitting in a church – hearing for the first time after maybe many years
Perhaps a conversation with a friend
Perhaps in a Sunday school class or other meeting

Did it really being here (outside of our experience)?

If you go back – you arrive at the love of God

Our salvation began at the loving heart of the Father

Jesus Christ explains that you must be born again

At this time, we see our need and turn to Jesus Christ
We trust that He died in our place and took our sins upon the cross
Example of Spurgeon
We look to the Lord Jesus Christ

The love of the Father

Jesus came – because of the love of the Father

Everything about our salvation has its roots in the love of the Father

The depth of God’s love – For God so loved the world

Quote from John Stott
Good has given us His precious Son

The scope of God’s love – For God so loved the world

The whole world – regardless of nationality
Even those who hate Him 
His love should draw us to Himself

The Father’s love is demonstrated in His giving – For God so loved the world that He … (examples) … gave

He gave His Son (who came from heaven)
He gave Him up to be crucified – Example of Abraham and Isaac

He did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all – Rom 8:32
Jesus willingly gave Himself for us – Gal 2:20

The Father’s love demands a response from us [check first 2 points]

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life

Not just a demonstration of love – but the means of salvation

To all people – “whoever”

No exceptions
Whoever believes has eternal life

Should not perish

We do not need to do anything to perish
If we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ – we will not perish

We have been born again in new life

Not just a physical perishing but to be eternally condemned (v17-18)

To be banished from His presence

There is only one way to prevent perishing – believe in the Son of God

Do not ignore the message and perish
Not just a belief in God – it is faith in Christ that saves

Everlasting life

The opposite of perishing
To be eternally welcomed in heaven
To experience the love of God forever
Our bodies will die but our souls will live forever


Closing Remarks