November 27, 2022

The reality of giving yourself to a lifetime of mission

Passage: Mark 4:1-34
Service Type:


Thinking about the reality of giving yourself to a lifetime of mission service to the Lord Jesus

Whether close to home, in the UK from a different part of the world considering being sent

Mark 4 gives us three things to think about Missionary Service

We need to be committed to Evangelism

Book from Rico Tice

He mentions a ‘pain line’
This can feel increasingly painful in our increasingly secular times
There can be a tendency to replace evangelism with other things

Stat re evangelical mission agencies in the UK

We must see why evangelism is so necessary

Overview of first few chapters of Mark

Jesus had announced the kingdom of God in Mark 1:15

This religious leaders of the day reject this

Jesus appoints new leaders – Mark 3
Jesus tells them how the kingdom of God will grow – Mark 4

As the seed is scattered
The seed – is the word of God (4:14)

Evangelism is the way people will hear the good news and the kingdom will grow

Before we can share with others – we need to know this ourselves
We must listen to God’s word – v3, 9, 15, 16, 20, 23, 24
Have you listened carefully to the gospel message?
Have you received the word with faith?

God’s kingdom – you are either in/out and forgiven/unforgiven

Depends upon our response to Jesus Christ

Explanation of His work

Do you know Him?
Do you love Him?
Have you turned from your sin and believed in Him?

Those who have believed – are entrusted with the gospel

We do not hide it but proclaim it to others
Quote from Hudson Taylor
We need to pray for God to provide opportunity for the gospel to be preached


We must be committed to Evangelism

The reality of mission can look disappointing

Jesus tells us some surprising but crucial words

He tells us things we might not want to hear

Three potential problems:

Mission work will always meet with a mixed response

Reading 4:15-19
Despite your work, you might see the seed of the gospel snatched away

This may be something we have experienced

The results of sharing the gospel are out of our hands

Reading 4:26-28
The lack of mission growth can seem devastating


Mission work will rarely look impressive


This is not to say we do not serve God in our work

Reading 4:30-34

The seed looks so small – you can hardly see it
The world is impressed by ‘big’ things

A life of mission work for Jesus Christ will rarely look ‘impressive’

It is not always easy
Are we ready for this cost?

Jesus tells us it is meant to be this way

This is the nature of the kingdom we are called to invest in
Example of Jesus Christ

The outcome of mission is certain

The response to mission work may meet a mixed response but the harvest is coming (v20)


The results of sharing the gospel is within God’s hands (v26-29)

God is in the business of causing seed to grow
This helps against the temptation to despair

Our task is to sow the seed – He is the Lord of the harvest

This helps against the temptation to pride

God causes the seed to grow (not us)

There is nothing more permanent to invest our life in that mission

Example of James Gilmore
Quote from James Gilmore

We can all give ourselves to the task of making disciples of all nations

Closing Remarks