Steadfast, immovable, always abounding
My text is in 1 Cor 15:58
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
Think about this church that had many difficulties
Is it worth them doing the work of God?
Do they not have to sort things out first?
They are to be firm in the truth and always abounding in the work of God
There is no excuse not to do this
Is it our desire to think, speak and work for Jesus?
This verse is encouraging and challenging
Paul stood fast in trials, in doctrine, in Christian practice and always abounding in the work of the Lord
Acts 18:1-11 gives us some context:
He did not only preach the gospel
He worked as a tentmaker at night
He preached in the synagogue
Many opposed him
He turned aside from the Jew to the Gentiles
He went to the house next door
The ruler of the synagogue and his family were saved
Paul must have felt faint but was encouraged with a vision
What kept him going
He had Christian brothers
We need support
He had the call of God upon his life
Although there would be trials – God would never leave him
He accepted tribulation because he proved the power of God in his life
He identified with Christ’s sufferings
He is an example
He said ‘imitate me as much as I imitate Christ’
Reasons to go on
Not going back
Going forward
Reasons to go on
He addresses the people with tenderness – "beloved brethren"
Consider the things that are previously spoken – v51-52
The victory in Jesus Christ – v55
We will all be changed and given a new body, so …
Expend yourself now
Stand firm
You will be raised from the dead – v55
Jesus has overcome death
We have the victory
There is every motivation to press on and go forward
Previous success in life spurs us on – examples
The motivation of the Christian is the victory Christ has won for us – explanation
The motivation is in the gospel
The value of serving Him – v58
Do you feel serving Him is valuable – examples
Paul reminds us it is
God sees
Others are being blessed – seeds planted, acts of love
God is doing far more than you can see
Scripture talks about rewards in heaven
Our labour in the Lord
Those things done in the name of Christ will last forever
We ought not to do for recognition but for the Lord’s glory
It is not our work but God working through us
You may feel your work is not valuable
Even the little you do (in His name) is blessed
Christ values your work and it is never in vain
It is not our work – but His work
Not going back
Paul was concerned for Christians
He knew they could drift away
Blown around by winds of doctrine
He had known those who had fallen away
Paul encouraged the Hebrews not to neglect their salvation
Many of Jesus’ disciples went back – John 6:66
Be steadfast in doctrine
In the Greek – meaning ‘be seated’
Settled conviction about objective truth
Be absolutely convinced of the main doctrines and truth of the Bible
We know there were those raising doubts about the resurrection
Paul advised people to hold onto the truth
"Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me" – 2 Tim 1:13
Today there is a danger of turning away for traditional teaching – examples
Hold fast to the gospel
Consider the great ‘confessions of faith’
Examples of those who do not hold to confessions of faith
Are there other areas were we capitulate?
Culture – example
Judgement and punishment – examples
Be steadfast in behaviour
We must live the truth
Are we steadfast in prayer, devotions, means of grace, witness, truly loving others
Be immovable – meaning motionless
Not to move at all
Example of Martin Luther
Not to be obstinate, difficult or ungracious – we should be kind, but stand on God’s word
Problems in the Corinthian Church – examples
They needed solid Christians
Not those who are swayed by these things
We need Christians with backbone
Not to be like Simon Peter
By God’s grace He will help us to stand
Going forward
Always abounding
A time to go forward
Be advancing and doing the work of God
Always – not sometimes
Always – like Christ
Not activism, being hasty or running around everywhere
Be like Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet, not just like Martha always doing
"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me." 1 Cor 15:10
We need to step out – in God’s strength
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" – Phil 4:13
The opposite is to be lazy
Paul speaks to the Thessalonians of this danger
Do not be lazy but be zealous for good works
There are things we can do
Not about quality but quantity
Ask God to show you what He would like you to do
"In the morning sow your seed, And in the evening do not withhold your hand; For you do not know which will prosper, Either this or that, Or whether both alike will be blessed." Ecc 11:16
What ever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might