March 6, 2022

Singleness, Marriage and Divorce

Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:1-16
Service Type:


A long passage – will likely be split over two weeks
Paul is responding to questions asked of him

They have other questions – 8:1
The Church have written a letter with various questions to the Apostle Paul

Reading 1 Cor 7:1-16
The Book of Corinthians is very practical

The Corinthians were living in a very pagan society

Last week we saw a warning against temple prostitution

Another sexual area – marriage, singleness and divorce

Paul answers a number of questions – examples
There are other passages that give advice – Matthew

This passage asks many but not all questions

It gives us good principles – though it does not address every case

We must take passages in their context

Personal example
However, Paul was giving advice in the context of persecution – 1 Cor 7:26
Marriage is not to be forbidden
We are not to pit singleness against marriage

Singleness, Marriage and Sexual Intimacy (v1-9)
Marriage and Divorce (v10-16)

Singleness, Marriage and Sexual Intimacy (v1-9)

Singleness – “It is good for a man not to touch a woman” (v1) – this means sexual intimacy

It would seem that God is saying that it is a good thing to be celibate

Jesus, John the Baptist, Martha, Mary and Lazarus – were all single and not incomplete

What does the Church teach about singleness?

There are more women than men
You are called to marry in the Lord

To address society’s viewpoint

Marriage – It is better to marry than burn with passion (v9)

It is better to marry that allow your sexual drive to overtake you
Some people have a gift of singleness

Personal example
What do you do for those who want to marry but cannot find a partner?

Marriage is a partnership – Gen 18

Most people don’t have the gift for singleness
Is for procreation, pleasure and purity

Marriage and singleness are a gift from God

The Bible teaches monogamy
1 Cor 7:39
1 Cor 7:2

Sexual Intimacy – Frank and radical advice that was counter cultural (v3-4)

It is the responsibility of the husband to give affection (and vice versa)

There is equality

Neither has responsibility of their own bodies
This is a glad principle for a loving relationship
There are questions around this – examples

Sexual intimacy is given by God

Do not defraud each other (v5)

Is this just Paul speaking? (v6)

Paul writes the commandments of the Lord – 1 Cor 14:37
These are principles given by God through the Holy Spirit for the good of God’s people

To each their own gift (v7)

Closing Remarks

We will pause there and continue next week – some thought and questions

Example of Missionaries – Amy Carmichael
In the Roman world there 10 men to 8 women – today there are more Christian women than men
Other passages help us:

Phil 2 – consider other peoples needs before our own