June 18, 2023

No Room for the Devil

Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11
Service Type:


Paul’s speaks about satan (v11)

We are not ignorant of the devil
A liar
A prowling lion to devour
A thief and robber
To take away hope
Destroy lives
The father of lies
A deceiver
Comes through false teachers

The Corinthian church was tolerant of sin – examples

Satan knows that churches can be destroyed when sin is tolerated
Paul knows that churches can be destroyed when there is harsh discipline without love

The church had disciplined an individual (v6)
1 Cor 5 and Matt 18 – the process of dealing with fragrant sin

The Church had now exercised discipline

People were still being harsh and not loving – despite his repentance
Paul urged them to reaffirm their love (v8) so that such a one would not be swallowed up in sorrow (v7)


Paul establishes how much he loves the church (1:23-2:4) – the need to love
Paul calls the church to forgive and restore the penitent (2:5-11) – the need to forgive

The Need to Love (1:23-2:4)

To love we need to think how best we can help / we might not be immediately involved

Example of Job’s comforters
Paul says he will not come straight away – give them time to put things right (v23)

People had accused him of being double minded
Paul did not want to come with harsh words – he came no more to Corinth to spare them (v23)

If you really love – you think when to get involved and when to hold back

We have all got involve too quickly

To love others means to never control them

Paul was a father figure
Christians can lead and guide but are not heavy handed – it is your conscience before God
1 Pet 5:3 – do not Lord it over people but be an example
Do we have our fellow Christians best interests at heart?

To love means to take into account your own feelings

Paul knows his own heart will make him sad

Hebrews – not to grumble and cause the leaders to be downcast

Paul does not want to be very sorrowful (v2)

Paul was happy in many ways – 7:9-11

We are to love our neighbour as our self

To love means to consider the whole / welfare of the body

Paul loved the church and had great joy in them

How much do we love the church?
How much is our Christianity our own walk vs the walk of the brethren?

The Need to Forgive (2:5-11)

Bible commentators have difficulty knowing who Paul was addressing (v5)

Previous commentators – the person involved in incest (1 Cor 5:1)
Newer commentators think it might be one that caused Paul great grief
We do not know – all we know is that Paul is urging full forgiveness and restoration

Forgiveness is at the heart of Christianity

If we have known that forgiveness – God remembers our sin no more
Therefore the church ought to show forgiveness – examples
Personal example

Forgive, comfort and reaffirm in love

Paul tests them in another letter (not in the Bible)
Do we pass the test for forgiveness?
We must have a spirit of forgiveness

Luke 23:24 – "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do"
Example of Stephen
Even if people do not repent

Forgiveness requires we be conscious of our own sins

Do not be too touchy or pained about things
Leave things to God
Seek to have a spirit of forgiveness

We should not be lax with sin

Church discipline is required – examples
Church discipline has a good effect
People need to be restored and forgiven