October 24, 2021

Making the Word of God suit yourself

Passage: Luke 16:14-18
Service Type:


Luke 15 – the pharisees began murmuring, now they are sneering

You often find this with people
The pharisees did not like what Jesus was saying about money

v15 – they try to justify themselves but God knows their heart

v15 – What men esteem is an abomination before God – because of their wrong motives and false righteousness

They turned away from God and practiced evil

v16 – The coming of John the Baptist was a watershed
v17 – Jesus is not in anyway putting aside the Old Testament (He fulfills it)
v18 – The pharisees had made divorce very easy but the Bible had strict teaching on divorce

Jesus had uncompromising teaching

Luke 16:13 – You either serve God or money
Luke 14:26-27 – Jesus is to be Lord of all
Luke 13:24 – enter via the narrow gate

The pharisees were being addressed in these word
We are considering the danger of changing God’s word and giving your own interpretation



Why do men do this?
The foolishness of doing this
The corrected word (Jesus’ example)

Why do men do this?

Men are concerned with themselves

When we seek the approval of man we will inevitably compromise on God’s standards

Luke 18:11-12

Example of the Pharisees

Fasting, tithing, honest, not unjust, not an adulterer, not like a cheating tax collector, upright, holy, good
v15 – remember that what men esteem is an abomination before God – it is as filthy rags
It was all about the outward appearance
Keeping up appearances – examples

Jesus knew their hearts – they were covetous and devoured widow’s homes

v14 – they despised Jesus

They do not want the word of God to challenge but be an easy word

They want their standards to be God’s standards

Searching questions:

Do you ever think you are glad you are not like that person?

Do you recognise yourself as a sinner?

Do you justify yourself?
Are you easily offended and blame others?
Are you concerned about the approval of others rather than the approval of God?

God knows our hearts

The foolishness of doing this

v17 – Not even the smallest pen stroke will pass away from the Scriptures

We do not favour the New Testament over the Old Testament
Jesus preached and upheld the Old Testament
The Old Testament speaks of God’s character, the nature of man, the law of God, God’s plan of redemption

It is foolish to try to do away with any part of God’s word

We must instead trust and obey

The corrected word (Jesus’ example)

v18 – Divorce and remarriage

Not all that Jesus says about marriage
Not all the New Testament says about marriage (Matt 19, 1 Cor 7)
The big principle that God hates divorce

Jesus gives no compromise because He knew the pharisees would find an excuse

The pharisees needed to hear this – they had committed adultery in the heart (cf Matt 5-7)
Jesus wanted them to address the easy living
Example of no fault divorce
We need to uphold the word of God

v16 – people are pressing in / forcing their way in

They are taking every effort to enter the kingdom of God (not like the pharisees)
The gospel is being preached


Have you entered the kingdom of God?
Are you a pharisee or have you recognised you are a sinner?
Have you repented of your sin and come to the cross of Christ?
Are you ashamed of your sin and seen a glorious Saviour who has forgiven your sin?
Have you trusted in Christ?

Closing Remarks