Leadership, relationships and finance
We have spent several weeks in Chapter 15
Sublime immortality – we long for perfect bodies
‘Death where is your sting, death where is your victory’
We come from high doctrine/sublime heights
It talks about leadership, relationships and finance
It talks about church dynamics
We need to think about real world issues
It shows where our heart lies
Looking at v1-12
Organisation, planning, communicating, explaining, forethought
You may say the spiritual things are praying, preaching, worship
These other things are also essential and part of the Christian life
We cannot assume that things will fall into place
Looking at leadership, relationships and finance
Paul acts as a good/wise leader
He has planted many churches – Jewish and Gentiles
He wants those in other churches to help each other
Example of famine in Jerusalem
It is the responsibility of the Gentiles to provide materially to the Jewish believers
Leaders must make decisions and act upon them
Paul is ensuring the churches will give – many have already made promises to do so
Shepherds must care for the flock
Elders must govern
Example of Leonardo
Good leadership means authority with being authoritian
He urges Apollos to come but cannot force him (v12)
He gives orders to the churches of Galatia (v1)
Paul had particular authority as father to many of the churches
He had a special authority as an apostle – he had received revelation from God
He always called people to test what he said
To organise funds to be sent to Judea, particularly Jerusalem (v1)
The scope is huge – at least 100 miles between some places
There were churches in Macedonia, Galatia and Achia (Corinth) collecting for Jerusalem
Paul was concerned there would be unity
This was planned giving – at least one year
Paul knew he needed trustworthy and reliable people – carefully selected to take gifts
He relies on the church to approve those who will bear gifts (v2)
He is not autocratic
Leaders lead and guide, the church make decisions
He requires official letters
He will go with them if required (v4)
We often fail in these areas
We pray that God will help us to improve
Paul ‘remembered Acts 6’ – when deacons where set apart to collect funds, so they could be freed up for their ministry
Personal example – it takes time to sort finances
As a church we give monthly to missionaries, we give at missionary meetings – it is not just about the local church
There needs to be money for the local church, but then it needs to go further afield
Paul assumes the believers will meet on the first day of the week
They are to give regularly, set something aside, store up finances – he is helping them organise
This is a fitting response to chapter 15
Paul is not afraid to exhort the churches
Personal giving, planned giving, prepare giving, proportionate giving, private giving
Personal giving
Each one should give – whether big or small
Planned giving
Prearranged and thoughtful
We should give regularly (perhaps monthly)
We should review our giving
We should consider giving additional offerings
Prepared giving
Putting something aside – example
Proportionate giving
2 Cor 9:7 – purpose in your heart
Give as God has prospered you
We are not to over give
Private giving
Do not give before men – do it in secret
Do not announce to others your giving
Tithing – Mal 3:8-10
Some churches are against tithing – saying it is an Old Testament teaching, not found in the New Testament
Tithing is a good start
Jesus teaches the spirit of the law, which is bigger than the letter of the law
The New Testament teaches sacrificial and generous giving
Most Christians given a tenth of their income to the Lord
We must teach the same to newer Christians
2 Cor 8:8-13
Not a command but a test of your love
Have a willing mind, a desire to give, not to be burdened
Give generously out of what you have
An equality – those in abundance give to those who lack
2 Cor 9:5-9
A glad not grudging obligation
Liberal giving is blessed
Giving leads to thanksgiving
Jesus said, "Freely you have received, freely give"
Good communication is important within the local church
We can easily misunderstand
Good communication is important within the wider church
How does Paul relate to the Church in Corinth?
He plans to visit (v5)
Examples of miscommunication
Personal example
We need to be clear in our communication (v6)
Example of Assistant Pastor
If in the Lord’s plan (v7)
Paul explains why he tarries (v8-9)
Sometimes we need to explain ourselves
He is quick to commend good Christians and protect good gospel workers
Timothy was timid – but he advised he was treated well (v10)
Timothy was a young man – he should not be despised (v11)
He explains openly about Apollos (v12)
Example of essential vs non-essential matters
Stating facts
Paul states many facts in his letters – 1 Cor 1:11
Closing Remarks
Behind leadership, finances and relationships – there are big principles
Leadership – authority, wisdom, good organisation
Finance – proportionate giving, generous sacrificial giving, prepared freewill offerings, regular giving, giving to the local and wider church
Relationships – good communication, clear explanations, above all the principle of love (v14)
Above all, love Jesus – 1 Cor 16:22