June 30, 2024

Continue in Christ

Passage: Col 2:15-23, 3:1-4


  • The world as we know it has changed dramatically
    • For many it has been a journey
      • Many men of God brought us back to the Bible
    • The people of God have moved forward
      • Dramatically since the 1990's
      • But not the situation today
      • How do we face such days
    • We looked this morning at the ultimacy of the Gospel
      • God is not the least disturbed
      • How do we demonstrate this in our own hearts?
      • To put our feet on firm ground
  • Overview:
    • Don't be duped
    • Don't forget who you are in Christ

Don't be duped

  • Paul is writing to a new church
    • Writing some years later
    • An invasion of people that are disturbing God's people
  • Don't be duped
    • Example of scams
    • There are 'scams' within the church of God - false prophets and false teachers (2 Pet 2:1)
      • We may need to study more deeply - we must avoid a shallow Christianity
      • We do not need anything 'new'
  • Col 2:11-14
    • That which Christ has done on the cross is immovable
    • v12 - we are raised with Christ from the dead
      • Talking about Christians
        • Explanation of the Gospel
        • Have you come to Christ?
      • United with Christ's victory at Calvary
        • There is no better or other unity
    • v13 - alive with Christ
      • Given a new heart and new mind
    • v14 - taken away our guilt and nailed it to the cross
      • Do you have a tender conscience?
      • Sins past, present and future - taken to the cross
  • Why would you be so foolish to turn to something less?
  • Don't be duped

Don't forget who you are in Christ

  • Remember who you are
    • From the negative (don't be duped)
    • To the positive
  • Col 3:1-3
  • Remember who you are (v1-2)
    • Personal example re identity
    • A new life - is all new
      • Past assumptions fall away
    • Our identity is in Christ
      • Not in our emotions
      • In Christ - 1:2
      • Nothing can change this reality
  • Remember you were raised in Christ (v1)
    • United to the life of Christ
      • A fundamental shift in our life and identity
      • Personal example
      • Christ takes the lead
    • Seek those things that are above
      • Now our hearts seek after Him
    • Set your mind on things that are above
      • Set - to 'nail into the wall'
      • Not earthly things
      • To be on the right side of eternity
      • Do we institute a new approach?
        • Are you reading the Bible daily?
        • Example
  • Remember to grow
    • 2 Peter 1:2-3 - we have been given all we need
    • Grow in Christ

Closing Remarks

  • What do we need in today's generation? - nothing more than we have ever needed
    • Example of Helen O'Brien - to be in Christ
    • To have the scent of Christ upon us