Zacchaeus’ Conversion
- Jesus comes to Zacchaeus house
- Examples of conversion:
- House/room conversion
- Car conversion
- Biblical conversion
Biblical Conversion
- Change of use in a person, going form one direction to another
- May happen straight away or over a length of time
- Sometimes we are guilty of focusing on our own experience - our experience is not where conversion begins and ends
- Conversion does not start with us
- Sometimes events seem random, but God has planned them
- As you were seeking Jesus, He was seeking you
- The story doesn't start with you - it starts and ends with Jesus
- This is the lesson of the Bible and in particular the story of Zacchaeus
- The encounter/passage starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus
- Jesus entered Jericho to meet with Zacchaeus
- It is from God and to God
- It is not down to our seeking or merit
- Have you come to Christ?
- Jesus says there is a bigger picture
- The reason Jesus came to see Zacchaeus was because "the Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost" (v10)
- Jesus was not sight seeing in Jericho
- Jesus has come as as Saviour
- He is operating under necessity and following a heavenly agenda
- "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house" (v5)
- We don't invite ourselves to other people's houses
- John 4:4 - similar Greek work to "needed to go through Samaria"
- The imperative is to save sinners
- A chief tax collector (v2)
- A different Greek word than that used for Matthew
- He was head of the district
- He was wealthy
- He was guilty of sharp practice, pocketing the difference from paying the Roman's their due tax
- This was a trait of tax collectors (cf Luke 3:12-13)
- Doubly hated:
- Worked for the Romans - the occupying power
- Cheated the public
- He was also noticeably short (v3), perhaps to the point of ridicule
- There are four aspects of what Zacchaeus did
Seized the Moment
- He sought to see who Jesus was (v3-4)
- There was a buzz in Jericho as Jesus had recently healed blind Bartimaeus
- He is determined not to miss the moment
- He runs (not walks)
- Immediacy:
- Make haste (v5)
- "I will give half of my goods to the poor"(v8)
- "Today salvation has come to this house" (v9)
- Zacchaeus seizes the moment: it is now or never, today Jesus is there
- No one knows if Jesus will come this way again
- We do not know what will happen between now and next Sunday
- We are good at procrastinating
- There are things we dare not put off
- Seize the moment when Jesus is in reach - take advantage of His presence and His salvation
Swallowed his Pride
- Zacchaeus wasn't averse to risking the indignity or embarrassment of climbing up a tree
- Can you imagine an important man in a suit climbing a tree (like a little boy)?
- There were many who were curious and wanted to know more, but they weren't prepared to risk embarrassment or discomfort
- You will need to swallow your pride in order to be saved
- You must acknowledge that you are wrong
- You must acknowledge that everything the Bible says about you is true
- The older you are the more difficult this can be become
- It might be easier to be saved in your youth
- You must acknowledge that you fail to meet Jesus' standard and that you need His help
- You must acknowledge that it is God's way and not your way
- If I am to be a Christian I must do what He says
- It is the way of blood, the cross and sacrifice
- Example of the Syrian Commander Naaman
- Refused in his pride and arrogance to dip seven times in the River Jordan (2 Kings 5:12)
- When he is obedient to God's way, his leprosy is cleansed
- Are you still living your life as though you are accountable only to yourself?
- You will need to become like a little child
- Just like Zacchaeus climbing the tree
Submitted to Jesus
- Jesus gives Zacchaeus a command "make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house" (v5)
- Zacchaeus would not have the temerity to invite Jesus
- Jesus issued the invitation: not out of any physical need
- Jesus has heavenly business to transact with Jesus
- Zacchaeus submits to the authority of Jesus
- We submit to the authority of Jesus
- Zacchaeus submits to the sovereignty of the grace of Jesus
- Those around are disgusted that Jesus accepts Zacchaeus (v7)
- How can someone who is holy sit down with a sinner and a tax collector?
- Elsewhere in the gospel people object that Jesus sits down with tax collectors and prostitutes
- Have we at times been guilty of muttering like this?
- How can Jesus just forgive them?
- You and I must submit to the sovereignty of God in Jesus
- We are all in the same boat: "we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"
- Zacchaeus is a "son of Abraham" (v9)
- He is being incorporated into the blessings of the people of faith
- The people around prided themselves on believing they were a descendant of Abraham
- Zacchaeus has become a son of Abraham by faith - Abraham believed God and that was accounted to him for righteousness
- We leave it to Jesus as to how He dispenses His grace
- Make it your business to seek His grace
Shows that he means it
- Immediately on his encounter with Jesus he gave his goods to the poor
- Grace is not cheap
- Salvation is not something to do merely with words - it involves practical obedience
- Zacchaeus was doing more than the law required
- He cannot go on and live the same selfish and greedy way he did before
- There must be change
- Credible faith involves works and deeds
- The forgiven sinner does not go on in the same way
- Example of the man by the Pool of Bethesda: "go and sin no more"
- Titus 2:11-13
- Zacchaeus priority has changed
- Organising our week changes
- The way we use our money changes
Today is the day of salvation