Old Llantrisant Hill
- Jesus often preached in the open air
- Sometimes He addressed the crowds and other times the disciples with the crowds listening
- In Chapter 5 – the multitudes come
- He goes up a mountain, He is seated and His disciples come to Him
- Jesus teaches
- The inner circle – His disciples
- The multitudes
- He begins His sermon with the beatitudes
- He is speaking to those who know and love God
- He reminds them it will not be easy for them (v10-11)
- Intimate words for His disciples (v12)
- Though the world will be difficult
- You have an influence upon the world – the salt of the earth
- A preserving effect
- A fragrance
- You are the light of the world
- Bring warmth
- Shine into the dark recesses
- Bring knowledge and truth
- Be salt and light
- Overview:
- What it means to be salt
- What it means not to be salt
Being Salt
- Not of Galilee, Judea, Palestine or the Roman Empire but of the world/earth
- It is not the devil that has influence and power
- It is the disciples/believers that can bring lasting effect upon the world
- In the workplace – example
- A person of integrity – example
- We are reminded of people in the Bible with influence
- Example of Joseph on Potiphar, David on Saul, Paul on the palace guard
- Corporately we are good for the world
- Acts 2:47 – "favor with all the people"
- Acts 5:13 – "the people esteemed them highly"
- When God has moved in the world by His Holy Spirit
- Example of Reformation, Revival, the abolition of slavery, etc
- We should pray that this happens again
- The image of salt was familiar to 1st Century people
- Salt used as a preservative
- We are to be like this
- The world is decaying
- We are to restrain evil
- We are to uphold truth, justice and freedom
- We are to be meek, humble, righteous, pure in heart, peacemakers
- Be what you are in Christ
- It only takes a little bit of salt to make a difference
- Salt needs to make contact with other substances
- We are not to withdraw from the world
- Though we are to live separate, godly lives
- We must live in the world
- Salt used as an antiseptic
- This may sting
- We may sting those around us – our faith may act as a rebuke to others
- Salt adds flavour
- We are to be winsome and attractive
- Conversation must be gracious and kind
- Rebuke in love and gentleness
- Philemon refreshed the hearts of the saints
- Salt creates thirst
- Example of DL Moody / Woodrow Wilson
- What about you and me?
- Be salt
- 1 Cor 7:13-14, 1 Pet 3:1
Not being Salt
- Some of the salt had to be thrown away because some minerals could not be separated from it
- Salt cannot lose it saltiness
- Salt without saltiness is a contradiction
- Christians cannot live in carnality
- The Bible warns people not to be deceived
- Jesus warns His disciples – make sure you are what you are meant to be
- There are warnings (v13) – examples
- Not to live a compromised life and yield to sin
- We must press on
- Church has lost it saltiness and influence on society
- We must pray that this returns
- We must pray for the Spirit of God to come again
- We must pray for conversions
Closing Remarks