April 4, 2021

Why the Resurrection?

Passage: Luke 23:50-24:8
Service Type:


Example of Lee Strobel … and “The Case for Easter”

Also believed by Lord Dennington, Lord Halisham, Lord Mackay
Example of The Lord Chief Justice

Have you sifted the evidence?

Have you asked questions about the living God?

Why did Jesus rise from the dead?

Considering different texts

To meet our deepest fears

1 Cor 15:55-57

Sin had brought death into this world
The Ten Commandments reveal our sin and how far we have fallen short of God
There is victory over sin and death in the Lord Jesus Christ
Example of Habimus

Heb 2:14-15

Personal example
God gives you peace in natural fear of death

That we may face our deepest fears – to take away our fear of death

A proof of His deity

Miracles were a proof – examples
The resurrection – the final proof
A difference between the resurrection of Lazarus and Jesus

Only Jesus was raised to immortality
A prophet was present when others where raised but not when Christ was raised from the dead

Jesus is fully God
What is our response?

Are we like Thomas?
We must confess with our mouth
Confess and believe in Jesus and be saved

To fulfill prophecy

Ps 16:10
Isaiah references this
The Lord Jesus Christ on 3 occasions prophesied His death and resurrection

The disciples did not recognise these prophecies but the Jewish authorities did

1 Cor 15:3-4
To fulfill Scripture

A proof the Father had accepted Jesus’ sacrifice

Good Friday message – It is Finished
Rom 4:25

Jesus took our place on the cross and bore our sins and the full wrath of God
God was pleased with Jesus’ sacrifice
God raised Him from the dead

There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus

Can you say that Jesus died and rose for you?
Do you love and trust Him?

Guaranteed the exhaltation and the glorification of Jesus

The resurrection is primarily for Him – for His glory

One day every knee will bow before Him
Rev 5:12

Guaranteed our glorification

The resurrection also guarantees our future glorification

Jesus if the first fruits from the dead
We are the crop that follows
1 Cor 15:20

Death is temporary for those who believe

Example of Christian Song

To be the judge of the living and the dead

The apostles often preached with a warning
When Jesus comes again to the judge the living and the dead – there will be a final judgment

Hell is a real place that must be avoided
Jesus warned all to take refuge in Him

Are you trusting in Jesus?

Do not worry about what others think
Do not worry about the cost

Closing Remarks