June 26, 2022

Why go to heaven?

Passage: Revelation 21:1-21
Service Type:


My text is found in v1
Do you think it is negative to talk about life after death?
v1-2 the New Jerusalem

Think of places that begin with ‘New’ – examples
If there is a New Jerusalem there must be an old one
Personal example – old & new South Wales
Places draw you near or keep you away
Places are known for what is and what isn’t there

Why go to heaven – what is and what isn’t there?
The starting point – when everything has passed away

The New Jerusalem – what isn’t there (what isn’t in heaven)

At least 15 things that are absent:

No more sea (v1)

No turmoil, no storms of life, no war, no restlessness

No more death (v4)
No more pain or sorrow (v4)
No curse – Rev 22:3
No night – Rev 21:25, 22:5, 21:23
No shutting of the gates – Rev 21:25
No impurity – Rev 21:27

Only those written in the Lamb’s book of life
Could you be in your element without these things – Rev 22:15

Quote from Bishop JC Ryle
Heaven does not have the things that we ‘love’ on earth
Can you say Halleuljah for this?
There will not be sinners in heaven

The New Jerusalem – what is there (what is in heaven)

Prepared as a bride for her husband

The Church is like a wedding album with different photos, poses and sizes

God is there with His bride

The bride adorned for her Husband (v9-11)
God is there with His bride
The Groom is the Lamb of God (v9)
The guests will be there with the bride – 19:17
Rev 13:8, Eph 5:25-27
Personal example
Quote from song ‘The sands of time are sinking’ (v5)

Rev 21:23

Closing Remarks

Is heaven worth considering?
If you want to go there – you need to get your credentials from Calvary

You go to New Jerusalem because it is your home

Personal example
Where are you tonight?

Is your name written in the Lamb’s book of life?
If not, cry out to God for forgiveness