August 4, 2024

Whose Slave are You?

Passage: Romans 6:1-23
Service Type:


Looking particularly at v15-23
Recently celebrated 6th June – 80th Anniversary of D-Day

A hard won privilege
Deut 15:15 – "You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you"
Example of William Wilberforce

Freedom is a blessing, slavery is a curse

Modern slavery is prevalent – example
Slavery is bondage

Spiritual bondage is even worse

Our behaviour confirms (original) sin
Yet people are often unconcerned with spiritual matters

Romans is vitally important

Our passage
Whose slave are you?
Paul answers a charge – v1,15

Illustration – two volumes to our life: before and after becoming a Christian

Do you remember being in volume one?
Anyone in Christ is a new creation – volume one has gone, volume two is here

Overview: (six points)

Here is the Challenge – one thing or the other
Here is the Fact – grace or nothing
Here is a Reality – slavery to sin
Here is the Blessing – freedom for the obedient
Here is the Effect – holiness
Here is the Goal – it results in glory

Here is the Challenge – one thing or the other

In one category or the other – slaves to sin or righteousness

There is no neutral ground
Jesus’ words in John 8:31-36

You are in volume one or volume two

Have you passed from death to life?
Slavery to sin ends in death

Here is the Fact – grace or nothing

If anyone is to be saved from the slavery of sin – it is by God’s grace and mercy, not by our actions

Eph 2:1
This is how you become a slave of God – which brings perfect freedom (cf John 8:31-36)

This is what happens when you become a Christian

You may not know, but you trust in Jesus Christ and obey from the heart

Here is a Reality – slavery to sin

Volume one cannot be ignored – we were slaves to sin

Example of the 1960’s
There is no ‘freedom’ to do as we please – this is bondage [to sin] and brings death

Whose slave are you?

There is liberty in being a slave to God

Here is the Blessing – freedom for the obedient

v18 – becoming a slave to righteousness

Our view point changes

v21-22 – fruit to holiness

Freedom to the obedient

There is none that sets us free but Jesus

Stand free in the liberty of Christ and do not become entangle in the bondage of sin
Do not go back to volume one

Sin brought death, Jesus brings eternal life

Here is the Effect – holiness

No going back to the old life but fruit to holiness

To love Jesus Christ
To put Him first
To pray to, honour and glorify Him

The new life is stronger than the old life

Yield yourselves to God

Example of a stream

When your heart is changed by the gospel – your whole life is changed

A renewed character
From volume one to volume two

Here is the Goal – it results in glory


Everlasting and eternal life
What will it be – the wages or the free gift?
Are you in volume one or volume two