Who wants to be a servant?
- Looking at v32-45
- Jesus is teaching what it means to be a disciple
- A follower, a learner, a disciple
- The theme is 'who wants to be a servant?'
- The passage is challenging
- Many followed Jesus for His miracles
- Those who follow Jesus can have bad attitudes
- This is the context of chapter 10
- Jesus is thinking of His own disciples
- Overview: The Words of the Lord Jesus (v42-45) - Three things
- How it is with the world (v42)
- How it must be in the church (v43-44)
- How it is with Him (v45)
How it is with the world (v42)
- We must always come back to the Lord Jesus Christ
- Example of Spurgeon
- We must always come back to the Lord
- He calls the disciples to Himself (v42)
- Jesus explains how it is the world
- Bossing, bullying, domineering
- People are mistreated
- 1 Pet 5 - elders are not to lord it over others
- In the workplace, in the family
- There is a hierarchy
- At the time - the Roman emperors
How it must be in the church (v43-44)
- v43 - yet it shall not be so with you
- Jesus is directing His words to His disciples
- The church must not be like the world
- We are challenged to be servants and slave (v44)
- Deaconos - servant
- Doulos - bondservant/slave
- The church is to be serving
- A deacon is a servant
- It may be the people of the church or the office of deacon
- Example of Jim Bell
- v44 - the word slave
- A servant was different to a slave
- A slave was owned and had no rights
- 1 Cor 6
- Jesus put Himself at other peoples disposal
- We must do the same
- How would we describes ourself: servant, slave ...?
How it is with Him (v45)
- v45 - We should be like this because Jesus is like this
- He is the motivation
- He is giving us a 'spring board'
- It goes against the grain to think of ourselves as a servant
- Jesus came to be a servant
- The "Son of Man" came not to be served
- If anybody deserved the best, it was Jesus
- Yet He came to serve
- He gave up His rights and became a servant
- John 13
- We must accept the Lord Jesus as a servant
- He was putting Himself at the disposal of others
- An example with Blind Bartimaeus
- Jesus came to give His life
- This was a service of obedience
- He gave His life as a ransom
- Example of Josephius and the Temple
- Jesus gives His life for us
- How are you going to get to heaven?
- Jesus paid the price for sin
- Hosea
- Example of Facebook
- Jesus paid the price on the cross
- Example of Hymn
- The entrance into the kingdom of heaven is via the cross
- We must always come back to the cross
Closing Remarks
- We must follow Jesus (v52)
- We must go on following Jesus
- Ancedote