Old Llantrisant Hill
- Have you ever had to disappoint your family?
- Jesus did not respond immediately to their request (but may have gone in later)
- Jesus uses the opportunity to teach about who is His family
- Jesus was never at the beck and call of anybody, even His family:
- cf John 7
- The request of John & Andrew to speak to the Greeks
- The man asking Jesus to help divide his inheritance)
Why did Jesus not respond immediately to their request?
- v20-21: the multitudes were so great that His people (likely his family/friends from Nazareth) though He was "out of His mind"
- Maybe wanted to dissuade Him from such enthusiasm
- Maybe a loving concern that Jesus was accused of doing things by the power of Satan
- Jesus had come to fulfil the Father's will - He would not be distracted
- Things distract us
- Things weight us down
- Maybe good things that are legitimate but our focus shifts off God
- Jesus was never distracted
- It is easy to be misunderstood when doing the things of God
- Example: Spurgeon and his wife
- When we do the will of God we are not to forget or neglect others
- Maybe we are called to do things that the family might be against
- Examples: William Baldern, John Pattern
- Jesus never neglected His mother, think of His actions on the cross
What did Jesus mean by the words 'here are my mother and my brother?'
- v33-34:
- His work must always come first in our lives
- Can we say that we love Jesus above all others
- Example: Shine like Stars - Rebecca (muslim lady who was converted)
- We may not have loyalty tested like that, but we might have little tests
- Dating a non-Christian person
- Conflicts between doing the will of God and the will of the family
- Moral issues
- Matters of allegiance: will you be loyal to Jesus
- Money matters: will we honour God or listen to other people who have other ideas
- If God has given everything for us, should we not give everything for God
- No scale: Not God first, family second, church third, work fourth, etc
- Put God's first in everything
- Example: Ladies Meeting in Aberavon (not neglect of the family)
- Jesus is saying who is my real, my spiritual family?
- v33: His disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus
- Who ever believes: regardless of who you are
- The will of God in Heaven
- Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of our sin and accept His sacrifice
- Practice the word of God
- All who do the will of God are Jesus's mother, brothers and sisters
- It is an amazing privilege that Jesus should call us His 'mother, brothers and sisters'
- Jesus is not ashamed to call us brethren
- Remember if you are a Christian you are in the best family of all
- Remember that Jesus is zealous for His own